Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bill Ayers Now "Terrorizing" American Education

From the Desk of: Ron De Jong
Grassfire Senior Writer – Grassfire Update

A not-so-funny-thing happened as I began to dig a bit deeper into Common Core standards. I uncovered the truth about this unconstitutional federalization of our nation's education system: It's a dirty enterprise led by shady characters, including one person from President Obama's past who's "politics" should be kept far, far away from America's children.

By now, most everyone knows that 45 of 50 states rushed to take the Obama "carrot" -- funds being dangled by his administration to endorse Common Core. Most also know that in the years since, there has been a growing, national chorus of jeers from parents, teachers, students and lawmakers, who all are trying desperately to back-peddle away from those standards.

But did you know that Common Core was approved behind closed doors and without any evidence that the curriculum works? In essence, it treats American students as guinea pigs -- not so much teaching as indoctrinating. Common Core points children away from the classics to curriculum that's far more nefarious.
+ + Who Is Really Teaching Our Children?

Grassfire has learned that Barack Obama has tapped a number of his closest friends to influence and write the Common Core Standards and policies. Today, we'll focus on one in particular -- an avowed communist who is also an ardent supporter of "re-education" camps to reorient liberty-loving Americans away from capitalism toward communism.

Back in 1970, Bill Ayers was the leader of "Weather Underground" -- a violent group that declared war on "Amerikkka." Ayers and his followers were responsible for the bombing of a San Francisco police station that killed one officer and seriously wounded nine others.

Ayers managed to escape imprisonment on a technicality, and today he's working from within to overthrow capitalism. To reach his goal, Ayers has turned to education reform -- notably, to Common Core.

According to 
Accuracy in the Media, "Ayers educational brand or philosophy is all over Common Core."
How is it even possible that Americans would allow a domestic terrorist -- someone who holds nothing but hatred for liberty and our way of life -- to come anywhere near the minds of our children. But it has happened through Common Core.
+ + What You Can Do Today!

Ayers is just the most infamous of Obama friends who are attempting to poison our children. Common Core has no place in American education. It's
up to grassroots patriots, like you, to lead the charge. Take action now to expose and stop its cancerous creep across the nation.

Fight back against the infiltration of Common Core into your child's or grandchild's school. Click here now to fax your two Oregon Senators and other key lawmakers demanding they stop Common Core.
According to a FOX News report, more than 300 bills nationwide are attempting to slow, stall and even sack Common Core from being implemented.

A Senate resolution, proposed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), supports the restoration and protection of state authority -- in all aspects of a child's education process. Passage of S. Res. 345 would affirm that education belongs in the hands of parents and local school officials -- not education "progressives" like Bill Ayers, who are looking to indoctrinate our children!

Demand your Senators support this effort!
Click here now to schedule your "Stop Common Core" faxes for immediate delivery
If you prefer to send your own faxes, click here to see a complete list of the FaxFire targets and their contact information. You'll also find customizable fax content if you click here.

Two states that had originally embraced Common Core recently took a stand to reject this federal takeover of education. Tell your Oregon Senators to do the same!

Thanks for taking a stand.

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Don't let a domestic terrorist like Bill Ayers influence your child or grandchild through Common Core. Click here now to fax your two Oregon Senators and other key lawmakers, demanding they stop President Obama's education takeover. After faxing, please forward this email with your family and friends or share it with fellow patriots using the social-media tools below. Urge everyone you know to stand with you by signing the "Stop Common Core" petit

My comments: Anything the Obama Administration promotes cannot be good for America. Understand, Obama and his fellow, godless, Secular Humanists want to “TRANSFORM” America into a godless, Secular Humanist State. All their actions are toward this end. Education is a primary vehicle for their godless goal.

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