Monday, March 24, 2014

The Nations Are Less Than Nothing

In the eyes of God Almighty the Nations are less than nothing. Why?
Because they are all godless and in DEFIANCE of Him.
And in the END they ALL come to NOTHING! LISTEN:

Surely the Nations are like a drop in a bucket;
They are regarded as dust on the scales;
He [God Almighty] weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.
(Isaiah 40:15)

Before Him [God Almighty] ALL the nations are as NOTHING;
They are regarded by Him as WORTHLESS and less than NOTHING.
(Isaiah 40: 17)

Today, the Nations gather at the United Nations with one purpose,
The purpose of their father, Satan, to create One World Government;
A New Tower of Babel, in defiance of God Almighty
Just as the original Tower of Babel was built in defiance of God Almighty.

If God had not confused their languages at that time
Mankind would have quickly gone the way of Noah's generation again.
But in God's mercy He confused the languages
And thus preserved mankind to this day.

However, today, mankind is bent on creating a New Tower of Babel;
They cannot help themselves, they are ruled by Satan,
Who's primary objective is to present his son as “savior” of the world
And the ruler of One World Government.

Scripture tells us that Satan is allowed to accomplish this goal. Why?
Because virtually all of mankind, and ALL the Nations
REFUSE TO LOVE THE TRUTH [2 Thessalonians 2:10].
Listen to the apostle Paul describe this:

Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
And our being gathered to Him, we ask you brothers,
Not to become easily unsettled or alarmed
By some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us,
Saying that The Day Of The Lord has already come.

Don't let anyone deceive you in any way,
For That Day will not come until the REBELLION
[In the Church of God] occurs
And The Man Of Lawlessness [the Antichrist] is revealed,

He opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called God
Or is worshiped, and even sets himself up in God's Temple,
Proclaiming himself to be God.

Don't you remember that when I was with you
I used to tell you these things?
And now you know what is holding him back [the Holy Spirit],
So that he may be revealed at the proper time.

For the Secret Power of Lawlessness is already at work;
[It has always been at work since the fall of Adam and Eve]
But The One Who now holds it back will continue to do so
Till he is taken out of the way.

And then the Lawless One will be revealed,
Whom the Lord Jesus will OVERTHROW with the breath of His mouth
And DESTROY by the Splendor of His Coming.

The coming of the Lawless One
Will be in accordance with the Work of Satan
Displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles , signs and wonders,
And every sort of EVIL that DECEIVES those who are PERISHING

And so be SAVED.

For this REASON God sends them a POWERFUL DELUSION
So that they will believe the LIE
And so that ALL will be CONDEMNED who have not believed the TRUTH
But have delighted in WICKEDNESS. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)

Today, ALL the Nations are godless.
They have ALL come against God, His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments.

Today, the Nations exalt themselves
Over everything that is called God, REFUSING TO LOVE THE TRUTH.

Today, there is a REBELLION within the Church of God;
With many disregarding the Word of God.
This REBELLION will increase
As we approach the time of the REVEALING of the son of Satan,
The Antichrist, which is close at hand.

Many Church leaders will FALL prey to the Antichrist
And his False Prophet.
Whole congregations will be dragged into their WICKEDNESS.
ALL those who insisted on hearing
Only what their ITCHING EARS wanted to hear.

For False Christs and False Prophets will appear
And perform Great Signs and miracles
To DECEIVE EVEN THE ELECT—if that were possible.
See, I have told you ahead of time. (Matthew 24:24-25)

Yet, there will be those who will not listen to the False Prophets;
Who hear only the voice of Christ Jesus
In the midst of the cacophony of voices.
I pray that those who read this message are among those.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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