Friday, March 14, 2014

Everyone Has Sinned Before God

For ALL have SINNED and fallen short of the Glory of God.
(Romans 3:23)

As it is written, NONE IS RIGHTEOUS, Just and Truthful
And upright and conscientious, NO, NOT ONE. [Ps. 14:3]

No one understands—No one intelligently discerns or comprehends;
No one seeks out God [Ps 14:2]

ALL have turned aside;
Together they have gone wrong
And have become unprofitable and worthless;
No one does right, NOT EVEN ONE!

Their throat is a yawning grave;
They use their tongues to deceive--To mislead and to deal treacherously.
The venom of asps is beneath their lips. [Ps. 5:9; 140:3.]

Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. [Ps. 10:7]

Their feet are swift to shed blood.

Destruction (as it dashes them to pieces) and misery mark their ways.

And they have no experience of the way of peace--
For a peaceful way they do not even recognize. [Isa 59:7,8.]

There is no (reverential) FEAR OF GOD before their eyes [Ps.36:1]

Now we know that whatever the Law says
It speaks to those who under the Law,
So thAt [the murmurs and excuses of] every mouth may be hushed,

For no person will be justified—
Made righteous, acquitted and judged acceptable—IN HIS SIGHT
By observing the works prescribed by the Law.

For [the real function of] the Law
Is to make men recognize and be conscious of SIN
[Not mere perception, but an acquaintance with SIN
Which works toward REPENTANCE, Faith and Holy Character].

But now the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God has been revealed independently
And altogether apart from Law,
Although actually it is ATTESTED by the Law and the Prophets.

Namely, the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God
Which comes by BELIEVING with personal Trust and Confident Reliance
On Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
[And it is meant] for ALL who believe.

For there is no distinction, Since ALL HAVE SINNED
And are fallen short of the Honor and Glory which God bestows and receives.

[ALL] are Justified and made upright and in right standing with God,
Freely and Gratuitously by His Grace (His unmerited Favor and Mercy),
Through the REDEMPTION which is [provided] in Christ Jesus,

Whom God put forward [before the eyes of ALL] as a Mercy Seat
The cleansing and LIFE-GIVING Sacrifice
Of ATONEMENT and RECONCILIATION--[To be received] through FAITH.

This was to show God's RIGHTEOUSNESS,
Because in His Divine FORBEARANCE
He passed over and ignored former SINS without punishment.

It was do demonstrate and prove at the Present Time (in the now season)
That He Himself is RIGHTEOUS
And that He Justifies and Accepts as RIGHTEOUS
Him who has [True] Faith in Jesus.

Then what becomes of [our] pride and [our] boasting?
It is EXCLUDED—banished, ruled out entirely.
On what principle?
[On the principle] of doing good deeds?
NO, but on the principle of Faith.

For we hold that a man is Justified and made upright by Faith
Independent of and distinctly apart from good deeds (works of the Law).--
The observance of the Law has NOTHING to do with Justification.

Or is God merely [the God] of Jews?
Is He not the God of Gentiles also?
YES, of the Gentiles also,

Since it is one and the same God Who will Justify the circumcised by Faith
[Which germinated from Abraham]
And the uncircumcised through their [newly acquired] Faith.--
[For] it is the same Trusting Faith in both cases,
A Firmly Relying Faith [in Jesus Christ].

Do we then by this Faith make the Law of no effect,
Overthrow it or make it a Dead Letter?
Certainly NOT!
On the contrary, we confirm and establish and uphold the Law.
(Romans 3:10-31, AMP)

Everyone has SINNED before the Living God,
But only a few are willing to REPENT of that SIN;
Only a Few are willing to admit
That Christ Jesus is the Only Way, the Only Truth and the Only LIFE,
And allow Christ Jesus to live in and through them;
To live according to His Word.

God's Salvation in Christ Jesus, the only Salvation that exists,
The only way to Eternal LIFE,
Is only REPENTANCE and Faith away from EVERY person.
NO one can EARN it; it is Freely given when Faith is expressed.
I pray that those who read this message have that Faith.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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