Wednesday, March 12, 2014

11 Days To Monumental Supreme Court Decision

Dear Friends,
In only 11 days we will argue on behalf of our client, the Green family of Hobby Lobby, before the Supreme Court.
We are working tirelessly.

And everyone is anticipating this event as well as the outcome of what this could mean for our freedom.

There has been enormous press coverage!
Earlier today, Congressman Forbes and Senator Boozman wrote a piece reminding us ofwords from former Representative Charles Schumer, who championed RFRA, explaining '"Religious freedom is no luxury, but is a basic right of a free people."'

The Congressman and Senator have made it clear that they stand behind Hobby Lobby,stating that:

"Freedom of conscience extends well beyond where a person worships. It encompasses a person’s whole being — who he is, how he acts, and the daily decisions he makes. It can include nothing less than the way a person lives all aspects of her life, from her private life to her public life and commercial conduct."

World renowned expert on religious liberty, Columbia Law Professor Philip Hamburger, also weighed in on this important case explaining:  We all know the main question being argued: "Should religious objections prevail under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act against HHS regulations that require employers to include coverage for contraception in their health-insurance plans?"

But there is much more to this decision than just how RFRA and the HHS mandate ought to interact.

As Professor Hamburger puts it, there is potential danger for "exclusion" from certain constitutional rights depending on the "specialization" of an organization.   He poses: "Churches, for example, have full religious rights, but not full speech rights, and businesses have complete speech rights, but not complete religious rights."

Can we allow this to become the way our nation operates and views the freedoms of certain individuals?

The answer for us here at the Becket Fund is no.
Whether someone is an individual employer or individual employee, "the U.S. Constitution fortunately leaves no room for fractions of persons and fractions of rights; it does not divide up persons and their rights according to their specialized endeavors." This means that the Green family should have the choice to honor their religious convictions regardless of their role in the business world.

We appreciate your prayers and support leading up to the steps of the Supreme Court.

Also, make sure to read today's USA Today piece by former Congressman Bart Stupakto find out why he and Democrats for Life of America have filed a brief supporting the Hobby Lobby's case.

Kristina Arriaga
Executive Director
The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty

My comments:
Let us pray that the Supreme Court rules for God, His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments,
Which is the real issue in this case.
If they rule against God in this case
It will be another nail in the COFFIN of America
And another victory for Satan.
Understand that Obama, the Democrats, the Secular Humanists, 
Are RELENTLESSLY trying to DESTROY America, "TRANSFORM" America
As we know it, as God intended that it be.

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