Monday, February 24, 2014

Iran Taking America To The Cleaners

Iran is taking America to the cleaners.
As Iranian warships steam through the Suez Canal heading for open waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the United States, we should be reminded of an important fact:
Iran doesn't fear the United States, our allies, or international sanctions. It fears no one.
Iran's recent actions are a clear message that they are feeling quite pleased with themselves and that they have broken through the West's regime of sanctions and feel secure enough to project their power on a global scale.
Recently, we received proof when Iran's foreign minister boldly disputed claims that Iran agreed to dismantle its nuclear program. He boasted, "We did not agree to dismantle anything!"

re you comfortable with the fact that Iran's power is growing and America's power is declining? I'm certainly not.
Barack Obama does not truly see America as exceptional; instead, he sees America as just another player in an increasingly multipolar world that includes an ascending Iran.
Imagine this - if Iran completes its nuclear weapons program those ships in the Atlantic could be carrying nuclear tipped missiles. Its radical Islamic regime could park them off of New York, Boston or Washington and directly threaten American power and security.
And why can they do this?
Because Obama has made us weak.
We must be prepared to do what it takes to protect the idea of American exceptionalism and our basic Constitutional priorities -- the preservation of which are essential not only to our security, but to our prosperity as well.
I'm done accepting second rate leadership for the best nation in the history of mankind.

John Bolton 
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

My comments:
America is weak because she has turned godless.
President Obama is simply a expression of that fact.
He is a Globalist looking for One World Order,
Which is exactly what Satan is guiding the world toward,
Under the leadership of his son, the Antichrist.
Remember, only God protects or destroys every nation
Based on their relationship with Him.

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