Sunday, February 23, 2014

Do You Believe God?

This is the question that will determine Eternity
For everyone living today
As it has for everyone in every preceding generation.
Who is God? Christ Jesus is God!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God
And the Word was God.
He [Christ Jesus] was with God in the beginning.

Through Him all things were made;
Without Him NOTHING was made that has been made.
In Him was LIFE, and that LIFE was the Light of men.
The Light shines in the DARKNESS [of this entire world],
But the DARKNESS has not understood it. (John 1:1-5)

Christ Jesus is the Word of God. Do you believe God?

He was in the world, and through the world was made through Him,
The world did not recognize Him.

He came to that which was His Own,
But His Own did not receive Him.

Yet to ALL who received Him, to those who BELIEVED in His Name,
He gave the right to become children of God--
Children born not of natural descent,
Nor of human decision or a husband's will, but Born of God.

The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us.
We have seen His Glory, the Glory of the One and only Son,
Who came from the Father, full of Grace and Truth. (John 1:10-14)

Here, at the End of Time, we are faced with the same dilemma
As those living when Christ Jesus came the first time.
Who is this man who claims to be the Christ of God
And do we believe Him?

Do we believe what He had to say;
Those words He spoke in the flesh,
As well as the Entire Word of God which is Who He is;
The Entire Word of God.

Heaven and earth will pass away,
But My Words will never pass away. (Matthew 24:35)

Much of what is called Christianity does not BELIEVE
What He had to say,
Especially as has to do with the End of Time.
Much of what is called Christianity has gathered to themselves
A great number of teachers to say what their ITCHING EARS want to hear.
They have turned away from the Truth and have turned to myths.
(2 Timothy 4:3-5)

When Christ Jesus was born only a hand full of people
Knew He had come.
After he ministered in Israel for three and one-half years
Only a few people believed He was the Son of God.
Upon His RESURRECTION only a few people believed He was the Son of God.
The Nation of Israel, the Church of that time, did not BELIEVE.

He came to that which was His Own,
But His Own did not receive Him. (John 1:11)

A the End of Time, The Bridegroom, Christ Jesus
Comes to Ten Virgins, which is representative of His Church;
Ten Virgins who have made their confession of Faith. Listen:

At that time the Kingdom of Heaven will be like Ten Virgins
Who took their lamps and went out to meet the Bridegroom.
Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any OIL with them.
The wise, however, took OIL in jars along with their lamps.
The Bridegroom was a long time in coming,

At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the Bridegroom!
Come out to meet Him!'
Then ALL the Virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.
The foolish one said to the wise, 'Give us some of your OIL;
Our lamps are going out.'

'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you.
Instead, go buy some for yourselves.'

But while they were on their way to by the OIL,
The Bridegroom arrived.
The Virgins WHO WERE READY went in with Him to the Wedding Banquet.

Later the others also came.
'Sir! Sir! They said. 'OPEN THE DOOR FOR US!'

But He replied, 'I tell you the Truth, I don't know you.'

Therefore KEEP WATCH, because you do not know The Day or the Hour.
(Matthew 25:1-13)

"Our lamps are going out!"
This is one of the saddest statements in the Word of God.
Christ Jesus poured out the OIL of the Holy Spirit, on The Day of Pentecost,
Yet the lamps of the five foolish Virgins were going out.

Will you be READY to meet the Bridegroom when he comes?
Will you be a wise Virgin or a foolish one.
Will you have the necessary OIL, enough of the indwelling Holy Spirit, or not?
Will Christ Jesus open the DOOR to you or not?
Does He know you?
In order to be ready you must BELIEVE God!
That is the Entirety of the Word of God;
The Entire Teaching of Christ Jesus;
From the beginning of His Word to the END.
This Parable is an indication that one-half of what is called Christianity
Will have to DOOR SHUT on them. 

You must be water washed, blood washed, filled with the Holy Spirit
And walking in the Light of Christ Jesus.

You must believe the Eschatology, the Prophesies of the End Times,
Put forth by the Word of God.
This includes the shunned, Book of Revelation. Christ Jesus said:

Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy,
And Blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it,
Because THE TIME IS NEAR. (Revelation 1:3)

Do you believe God?
I pray that all who read this message believe God and are KNOWN by God.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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