Friday, February 7, 2014

America, Iran's "Great Satan"

From Mike Evans:
When we talk about the vital importance of standing with the Jewish People and defending Israel, we must never forget that when we bless Israel and bring God's blessings on ourselves, we also bring His hand of protection. And we are going to need that protection in coming days. My friend of more than 30 years, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reminded me some years ago that to Iran, Israel is the “Little Satan” and America is the “Great Satan.”

This week, a top general in Iran's Revolutionary Guard publicly declared that they have assets already in place inside America just waiting for the orders to be given to launch terrorist attacks. The enemies of Israel are also our enemies, and when we defend Israel, we are defending our own homes and families as well.

My comments:
As Christians we should understand that God Almighty alone is our PROTECTION. Apart from His protection, we have NO protection. Obama and Kerry are jeopardizing that protection as they attempt to COERCE Israel into a SUICIDAL peace agreement with an enemy who will not even say Israel has the right to exist.  

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