Saturday, January 4, 2014

Why Obama Fights Christian Conscience

Why does Obama fight Hobby Lobby, Little Sisters of the Poor
And many others in court over his Heathcare Contraception Mandate?
Because as a Secular Humanist, he must break Christian Conscience;
In order to gain full control over the Conscience of the American Culture,
He must break Christian Conscience.

You must understand that the so called Affordable Care Act,
Which will prove to be not affordable, is about CONTROL;
CONTROL of the entire American Culture.
The Secular Humanists, inspired by Satan must have CONTROL
Because Satan needs OVERT CONTROL to present his son,
The Beast of Revelation to the world and have him be accepted.

What is Satan's overriding OBJECTIVE today?
To coerce the entire world to receive his son as “god”
And to worship him and receive his “mark.”

Because he knows, that in so doing,
He sends ALL who receive his son to HELL,
And he came to Steal, Kill and DESTROY. (John 10:10)
Today, everything that goes on in the world is toward that END;
The world, that is Satan's kingdom.
You also must understand that he is allowed by God Almighty
To achieve this goal.
This in fact is, God's Powerful DELUSION. (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Why does God send this Powerful DELUSION?
Because mankind has REFUSED to love the TRUTH and be SAVED.
The only exception are those who belong to Christ Jesus, His Elect.

Why is this not understood within Christianity?
Because much of Christianity has sold out to Satan.
They have Gone Along to Get Along with the Culture
And they cannot speak against the Culture or they will be OSTRACIZED by it.
This is the same situation that faced Christians in Hitler's days.
Most of the “Church” bowed to Hitler.
Those who did not were sent to prison or killed or both.
The Apostate “Church” of Hitler's day capitulated to him.

The Apostate “Church” of today will bow to the son of Satan.
It is already bowing to Satan through Obama and the Secular Humanists,
In not standing up for Christ Jesus, His Word and His Commandments.
There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
In the day of Christ on earth
There were many of the Pharisees who believed that Jesus was the Christ
But would not say so because the would be put out of the “Church.”
They loved the praise from men more than praise from God. (John 12:42-430
So it is today, many “Church Leaders”
Love the praise from men more than the praise from God.
Obama has surrounded himself with such people; APOSTATES!

Understand, that many “Church Leaders”
Do not believe the Word of God.
They have altered it to suit their own THEOLOGY.
In so doing they have made themselves “god.”
They are the WOLVES in sheep's clothing.
They are the False Prophets. (Matthew 7:15)

The Pope is an Apostate
When he says that Atheists can go to Heaven by obeying their conscience.
This is absolutely contrary to the Word of God. (John 14:6)

Apart from Faith in Christ Jesus,
The Whole World stands CONDEMNED. (John 3:18)
This is the REALITY that is seldom spoken of in the “Church.”

Why is this? Because it is confrontational.
To speak this TRUTH
Would OSTRACIZE those who tell the TRUTH from the Culture
And many “Church Leaders” love the praise from men
More that the praise from God.
This is especially true today when the influence of the Secular Humanists
Is at a high point.

If the Secular Humanist gain control of the Courts in America
They will CONTROL ALL of America, by LAW!
They will then FORCE their demented THEOLOGY;
Their anti-Christ THEOLOGY, on EVERYONE.
That day is close at hand.
It has been made possible in part, because of APOSTATE “Church Leaders”
Who refused to tell the TRUTH of Scripture.

I pray that those who read this message
Understand what is going on in American Culture today
And throughout the world.
I am convinced according to Scripture,
That those who hear the voice of God understand. (John 10:27)

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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