Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The State Of The Union: Deceived

Last night the President of the United States of America
Gave his State of the Union Address.
The President who is a Secular Humanist,
Who leads a party of Secular Humanists, the man as “god” Religion,
Where every person does what is right in his own eyes
As long as the State approves.
The Religion that is ruled by Satan;
The Religion that is in direct conflict with God Almighty;
The Religion that Aborts its children; more than 55 million in 41 years.
The Religion that institutionalizes same-sex marriage
In direct conflict with God Almighty.
The Religion that persecutes Christians
With their Laws that foster more Abortion
In an attempt to induce Christians to participate with them 
In their Debauchery.
The Religion that forbids prayer in the name of Jesus.
The religion that attempts to induce America 
To accept homosexuality as normal
When is is against the Commands of God Almighty.
The Religion that indoctrinates America's children into their godlessness
Through the Public Education System. And on and on.

This godless President has the gall
To close his address with “God bless America,”
When the Religion he belongs to and his own actions
Stand in stark opposition to God.
He tries to disguise this reality 
By surrounding himself with Apostate Christians
Who validate his godlessness.

The Deception of the address is the Pretense
That America has a future under his leadership and that of his Party.
America has NO FUTURE under his leadership or his Party.
No person or party has any future that opposes God Almighty.

God Almighty granted America Prosperity for a time
For His Own purposes
And because there were those in America who honored Him.
God Almighty is the only One Who can bring Prosperity to a nation.
Today, America has turn against God, His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments;
No longer will America have the Prosperity it once enjoyed, it is over.
The only thing that will bring Prosperity back to America is REPENTANCE.

The President's address was a waste of breath.
As long as he and his Religion and America defy God Almighty
There will be no Prosperity in America.
America will continue to be ground to powder.

Every person and every nation have only two choices in this life:
To fall upon the Rock which is Christ Jesus and be broken,
Or the Rock falls upon them and they are ground to powder. (Luke 20:18)

Every American is DECEIVED who believes
That there will be Prosperity in America 
Without America honoring God Almighty. Listen to God Almighty:

'I form the light and create darkness,
I bring PROSPERITY and create disaster;
I the Lord do all these things. (Isaiah 45:7)

Let the earth open wide, let Salvation spring up,
Let RIGHTEOUSNESS grow with it; I, the Lord have crated it.

WOE to him who QUARRELS with his Maker,
To him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground.
Does the clay say to the potter, what are you making?
Does your work say, 'He has no hands'?
Woe to him who says to his father, 'What have you begotten?'
Or to his mother, 'What have you brought to birth?'

'This is what the Lord says—the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker:
Concerning things to come, do you question Me about My children,
Or give orders about the work of My hands?

It is I Who made the earth and created mankind upon it.
My Own hands stretched out the heavens; (Isaiah 45:8-12)

The President of the United States is DECEIVED
And his whole Party with him,
As well as EVERY American who does not honor God.

Last night the President wasted his breath
And the time of those who listened to him.
In his current condition of REBELLION against God Almighty
He and his party have no future, nor does America under their leadership.

I pray that they will come to their senses and REPENT.
That is their only hope.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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