Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The National Day Of Prayer - May 1st

There seems to be escalating chaos and crisis day by day. I know you must see it too.  So, what can we do about it?  Well, one thing is for sure. We must increase our seeking the LORD for help to stop the shootings, heal the sick, bestow wisdom in our government, and provide finances and counsel for our families.  Wouldn’t it be more powerful to come to Him together – be a united voice to His throne?

Did you know there is a national network of volunteers who coordinate prayer events on the National Day of Prayer, the First Thursday every May?  Every state has a leader who helps these volunteers by praying with them, giving advice and ideas so that more prayer is mobilized in cities, counties and throughout our nation. Some prayer walk an area, some prayer drive with others, while others have a prayer breakfast or noon prayer time at city hall or at school flagpoles.  The LORD is creative and certainly our advocate for prayer, so the ways and places to pray abound.

Will you help us pray for America where you live?  You are needed!  As Director of Prayer Mobilization, I thank God for the increase I have seen in prayer through my ten years with National Day of Prayer Task Force.  Yet, there are gaps in our country where prayer does not abound on NDP.   May 1 is the National Day of Prayer, the 63rd annual observance.  Why not step forward?  You will have this network to help you and even better, God’s favor as He loves prayer!

In December, the National Area Leaders of NDP and I gathered in Kansas City to pray over this national network.   While there, the NDP Task Force was recognized with the Issachar Award from Bott Radio Network.   The plaque highlights the  Scriptures of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and I Chronicles 12:32 with the inscription:
Because they understood the times and Revival is preceded by prayer.

President, Rich Bott, stated:  “God bless you for the great work being done with the National Day of Prayer.  We were blessed to have your team visit us and pray for Bott Radio Network and our listeners.  These are critical days, and we are trusting God for another Great Awakening.  We certainly need it.  Thank you for the opportunity we have to partner with you in ministry.”

You could be part of this great mission too and help us usher in revival through prayer. Don’t live with wonder of what to do with all that concerns you.  Start today and be part of a national effort to transform lives through intercession and prayer.  Go to nationaldayofprayer.org and visit the ‘volunteer’ tab for information.  You can be an answer to my own prayers by clicking ‘Step 3’ to fill out the application!

You might be thinking, why pray on just one Thursday a year?  NDP does mobilize all year, while we seek to maximize the annual day nationwide.  Actually every day there is a 10:45 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. prayer call (based on ET; adjust to your time zone).  So, I invite you to join us anytime, even on holidays:  712-432-0075, passcode: 4961322#.

With your help, we can better fulfill our mission of 2014, One Voice, United in Prayer based on Romans 15:6, “With one mind and one voice – glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  So, I challenge you to get involved,  ‘volunteer’ and become ‘one’ in prayer this year with thousands of others!  Together, we become
One Voice before our Lord!

Lisa Crump, Director of Prayer Mobilization,
National Day Of Prayer Task Force

My comments:
We thank God for every person who is involved in this wonderful ministry.
That they would be blessed of God.
We pray that through this ministry the lost would come to know the Savior;
That those who have made a confession of Faith would be strengthened;
That the Church of God would, “turn the world upside down,” again,
Which is really right side up,
As did the early Church, by the Power of the Living God;
That what is good would be called good and what would be called evil;
That God would Grace America with another Great Awakening;
Making every soul in America aware of the reality
Of the soon return of Christ Jesus and the judgment to follow;
That many would turn to Christ Jesus and be saved.

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