Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In Satan's Kingdom Good Is Evil

Woe to those who call EVIL Good and Good EVIL,
Who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)

This passage from Isaiah defines Satan's kingdom.
What comprises Satan's kingdom? The whole world.
Listen to the apostle John:

We know that we are children of God,
And that the whole world is under the control of the Evil One.
(1 John 5:19)

What is the objective of Satan's kingdom?
To send as many to Hell as he can.
Satan came to steal, kill and DESTROY. (John 10:10)

What is Satan's Ultimate Objective:
To get the whole world to worship him and to receive his “mark,”
Which sends to Hell ALL who do so.
Does he accomplish this Objective?
Yes, except for those who belong to Christ Jesus; the Elect of God.

How deceptive is Satan in accomplishing this Objective?
Listen to Christ Jesus:
For False Christs and False Prophets will appear
And perform great signs and miracles to DECEIVE even the Elect--
If that were possible. (Matthew 24:24)

We can understand from what Christ Jesus tells us here
That Satan's DECEPTION is great.

Does this DECEPTION happen all at once?
No, it does not, it begins with EVIL being called Good and Good EVIL.
That is what we see in America and the world today.
Today, what is EVIL is being called Good and Good, EVIL.

What is Good? God alone [Luke 18:9] and His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments.
As for God His ways are Perfect, the Word of the Lord is Flawless.
(2 Samuel 22:31, Psalm 18:30)

What is the focus of Satan's Attack?
God, His Christ Jesus, His Word, His Covenant and His Commandments.
And ALL who belong to God, The Church of God.

Who do we see being ATTACKED in the world today?
Christians; those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Christianity is under ASSAULT in America and the world today
Because the Church of God is the only entity that stands in the way
Of Satan's complete control.

Why is Israel also under ASSAULT?
Because God made her a PROMISE that she would endure FOREVER.
(Genesis 17)

So, today as in ever previous generation,
We have the kingdom of Satan, the whole world,
Against God and those who belong to Him or who have God's PROMISE.

How is EVIL called Good in America today?
We have the Secular Humanists, Satan's representatives,
Who call Abortion Murder, good;
Who are validated by government Law.
We have a Public School System that indoctrinates children into godlessness.
We have a government that forces Christians to do
That which is against their Conscience and Faith by Law;
A government that has accumulated a DEBT that will NEVER be repaid,
Thereby STEALING the future of its own children.
A government that continually prints worthless money
Thereby stealing from everyone.
And the list goes on and on.

How does this story END?
It ends exactly as Scripture has described.
It ends like it did in the Days of Noah.
Christ Jesus said that the Last Days of mankind
Would be like to Days of Noah. Listen:

No one know about THAT DAY or Hour,
Not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

As it was in the Days of Noah,
So it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
For in the days before the FLOOD, people were eating and drinking,
Marrying and giving in marriage, UP TO THE DAY Noah entered the Ark;

And they knew NOTHING about what would happen
Until the FLOOD came and took them ALL away.
That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.
Two women will be grinding with a hand mill;
One will be taken and the other left.

Therefore KEEP WATCH,
Because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.
But understand this:
If the owner of the house had known
At what time of night the thief was coming,
He would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.

So you must be READY,
Because the Son of man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.
(Matthew 24:36-44)

So, today, we watch as America and the world
Become as it was in the Days of Noah:
The Lord saw how great man's WICKEDNESS on the earth had become,
And that EVERY inclination of the thoughts of his heart
The Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth,
And His heart was filled with pain.
So the Lord said, 'I will wipe mankind, whom I have created,
From the face of the earth--
Men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground,
And birds of the air--
For I AM grieved that I have made them.' (Genesis 6:5-7)

Now the earth was CORRUPT in God's sight and was full of VIOLENCE.
God saw how CORRUPT the earth had become,
For ALL the people on earth had CORRUPTED their ways.
So God said to Noah,
'I AM going to PUT AN END to ALL PEOPLE,
For the earth is filled with VIOLENCE because of them.
I AM going to DESTROY both them and the earth. (Genesis 6:11-13)

What happened in Noah's Day?
EVIL was called Good and Good, EVIL and God IGNORED.

I pray that those who read this message
Are among those who belong to God;
That they are not DECEIVED by the ways of the world, Satan's kingdom;
That they are WATCHING and READY for the return of the Lord.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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