Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The Greatest Story Ever Told is the story of Christmas.
Before Creation, The God of Creation
Understood the price He would have to pay
To REDEEM the children of His Creation;
To obtain a Bride for His Son Jesus;
A Bride who would spend all Eternity with Him.

He determined that He would send His Son as a baby,
Born in a manger;
Born of a young virgin, insignificant in all of Israel.
His Son would leave the Glory of Heaven and become a man.
He would grow up as a normal Jewish boy and into a man.
This event was foretold by Scripture in perhaps as many as 300 passages.
Yet the “Church” of God of that day was unaware,
As the Church of God of today will be unaware of His RETURN.

Ironically the three kings from the east
Understood the significance of this birth and traveled a great distance
To see this newborn King
On the other hand, the Jewish Religious leaders were unaware
Of the most important event ever to happen in Israel.
In fact no one in Israel, except Mary and Joseph,
Elizabeth and Zechariah, Simeon, Anna
And the shepherds understood the significance of this birth.
The nation that Jesus came to Redeem was unaware of His birth;
The most significant birth in the history of mankind.

The three kings from the east told Herod the king
Of the star they followed and what it meant;
That it meant the birth of the King of Israel
And this put king Herod in fear of losing his kingship.
So this wicked man, knowing from Scripture
That the King of Israel would be born in Bethlehem,
Sent his soldiers to kill all the infants of two years of age and under,
So as to be sure that this God sent King would be killed among them.

Herod is a type of the world.
The world hates Christ Jesus, because Satan rules the world,
And will do anything to destroy the work of God;
The only threat to his authority.
To this day, the world ruled by Satan, hates Christ Jesus
Because Christ Jesus tells the world that what they do is EVIL. (John 7:7)
And the world hates Christians because they represent Christ Jesus.
This is the unspoken reality the Church of God has covered up
In their futile effort to go along to get along.

Today the Church of God can no longer go along to get along.
Today, The Church will be forced to face this unpleasant reality.
That if they represent Christ Jesus the world will hate them.
This will bring about the Great Apostasy that is already underway.
Today, there will be a price to be paid for standing for Christ Jesus.
But understand the TERRIBLE PRICE for not doing so.

It is also instructive that when Mary visited Elizabeth,
Elizabeth understood by the Holy Spirit
That Mary was carrying the Son of God.
God reveals to those close to Him what He is doing.

On the eighth day, when Joseph and Mary take the boy Jesus to the Temple
Simeon and Anna both recognize Him and prophesy over Him.
God reveals to those close to Him what He is doing.

An angel warns Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt
Before Herod's soldiers come.
They flee with the God given provision
That came from the three kings from the east.
Think of it, the King of Israel is forced to flee
From the people and nation He came to REDEEM.
They remain in Egypt until the Lord tells them to return.

They, then do return, and Christ Jesus grows up as a normal boy in Israel.
He is unknown until He is thirty years old.
Then God the Father chooses to reveal Him to Israel as their Messiah.
Christ Jesus then ministers in Israel for three and one-half years,
Healing the sick, raising the dead and doing what no man I history ever did.
Yet this I not enough to convince the Religious Leaders of the day
That He is the Christ of God.
They become jealous of the fact that the people flock to Jesus
And they decide to kill Him.
And they are ultimately successful.
Christ Jesus goes to the Cross of Calvary,
And fulfills the Plan and Purpose of God for His life,
The Plan foretold by Scripture.
He becomes the SACRIFICE for the SINS of the whole world;
For all who will put their Faith, Hope and Trust in Him.

Understand that the Christmas story
Is the story of God's supernatural intervention in the affairs of mankind.
God Almighty provided a SAVIOR for the world;
A world Hopeless, Helpless and Condemned before Him;
A SAVIOR for ALL who will put their Faith, Hope and Trust in His Christ Jesus.
And Christ Jesus has been the SAVIOR of ALL
In every generation who did so,
As He will be the SAVIOR of ALL in this generation who do so.
EVERYONE else will be Condemned.
Christ Jesus represents the Magnificent Grace of God Almighty.
Christ Jesus paid the highest price that could be paid to REDEEM a Bride.

I pray that those who read this message understand this reality
And are among those who are REDEEMED.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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