Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wicked Man, You Will Die

Son of man, I have made you a WATCHMAN for the house of Israel
[Today, the Church of God];
So hear the word I speak and give warning from Me.
When I say to a Wicked Man , 'You will surely die [Eternally],'
And YOU do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his EVIL ways
In order to save his life,
That wicked man will die [Eternally] for his SIN,
And I will hold YOU accountable fro his blood.

But if YOU do warn the Wicked Man
And he does not turn from his wickedness or from his EVIL ways,
He will die [Eternally] for his SIN;
But YOU will have saved yourself.

Again, when a Righteous Man turns from his righteousness and does EVIL,
And I put a stumbling block before him, he will died [Eternally].
Since YOU did not warn him, he will died [Eternally] for his SIN.
The righteous things he did will not be remembered,
And I will hold YOU accountable for his blood.

But if YOU do warn the Righteous Man not to SIN and he does not SIN,
He will surely live because he took warning,
And YOU will have saved yourself. (Ezekiel 3:17-21)

Today, every follower of Christ is a WATCHMAN for God.
God has spoken through His Word a warning to ALL men
And we who know the Word of God
Have received God's warning to every living person.
If we fail to warn the Wicked and the Righteous of their SIN against God
Then their blood will be upon our heads.
If we do warn them, then their blood is upon their own head.

Who are the Wicked?
Everyone who violates God's Word, His Covenant and His Commandments.

Who are the Righteous?
Those who adhere to God's Word, His Covenant and His Commandments.

In deed, before the Living God, we are our brothers keeper.
It is not God's desire that any should PERISH
But that EVERYONE should come to REPENTANCE and be SAVED.
(2 Peter 3:9)

Christ Jesus' Great Commission is toward this END:
ALL Authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me.
Therefore go and make disciples of ALL nations,
Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son
And of the Holy Spirit [Which is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:11-12)],
And teaching them to obey everything I have Commanded you.
And surely I will be with you always, to the very End of the Age.
(Matthew 28:18-20)

God wants ALL men to be SAVED
And to come to a knowledge of the TRUTH. (1 Timothy 2:4)

In view of God's clear Commands what is our responsibility?
It is first of all to live godly, righteous lives before God
And then to warn all men and women
That God has a Covenant and Commandments that must be followed.
Not to follow them leads to Eternal Death.

If we do not do this,
We are condemning to Eternal Death those we refuse to warn,
Which means to our own Eternal Death.

What do we believe?
Do we believe the Word of God enough
To warn others of the consequences of UNBELIEF
And the resulting Wickedness that always accompanies it?

In America today, Eternal Death awaits the Abortionist Murderer
And ALL who support them.
America is continually printing worthless money
Which is a dishonest scale before the Living God,
Which He hates. (Proverbs 11:1)
The US Public Education System indoctrinates children into godlessness.
The Congress passes ungodly Laws.
The Justice System makes ungodly rulings like Roe v. Wade
State Governments put their seal of approval on ungodly sexual acts,
And on and on.
Eternal Death awaits those who violate God's Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments
Yet America as a nation and her people are in overt violation of these.
Eternal Death awaits ALL who participate in or support this WICKEDNESS.

Wicked America has turned her back on God
And those who founded her.
She has presumed that the blessings God bestowed upon her
Were her own doing,
When in fact God made America what she is for His Own Purposes.

Today, America is DEAD in her SIN.
Her OBITUARY has been written in Heaven.
She could REPENT but her conscience has been seared
And her heart hardened.
America loves her SIN and cannot do without it.
She must sacrifice her children to Moloch as did the Pagans of the past,
After all, it is the “right” of every woman.

Yet the God of Heaven calls out even now to those with ears to hear.
Draw near to Me says the Lord God Almighty,
And I will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

Christ Jesus says to those who keep His command to endure patiently,
I will keep you from the Hour of TRIAL
That is going to come upon the whole world
To TEST those who live on the earth.

I AM coming SOON.
Hold on to what you have, so that no one can take your crown.
(Revelation 3:10-11)

I pray that those who read this message
Are warning those they come into contact with
Of what the Word of God tells every person;
So that many will turn to the Lord and be Saved,
And that the blood of the Wicked will not be on their heads.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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