Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Willful Christian Ignoarance

Ignorance, from Merriam Webster:
A lack of knowledge, understanding, or education:
The state of being ignorant.

Today, we watch as America hands it's heritage in God
Over to demonic rule.
Forsaking God, His Christ Jesus , His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments.
America, on whom God poured out His blessing like no other country
In the history of the world.
America which was founded by those who were fleeing
The Religious Tyranny of England,
Now bow down to the Religious Tyranny of godless Secular Humanism.

America, who's president is a godless, anti-Christ man
Ruling over a godless, anti-Christ Democrat Party,
Twice elected by a godless American Electorate.
Who could not have been elected
If everyone who claims the Name of Christ refused to vote for him.
But not everyone who claims the Name of Christ belongs to Christ.
There are weeds among the wheat,
There are False Prophets in the midst of the Church of God.

Much of the Church of God has chosen to be willfully IGNORANT
Of the most basic premise of this life:
That Satan rules this world we live in and has from the fall of Adam and Eve;
That the culture that surrounds us is blinded by the “god” of this Age
As he has blinded every generation that preceded ours,
And that this blindness is only taken away IN Christ Jesus;
It is only taken away by those who are crucified with Christ to this world
And no longer live but it is Christ Who lives in them;
And the life that they now live they live by Faith in the Son of God
And His Power at work in them.
They have set their hearts on things above
Their lives are hidden with Christ in God
They have clothed themselves with the garments of Christ
And let His Word dwell richly in them.

What is happening in America today should surprise no Christian.
America is simply following in the footsteps of her father Satan;
Satan who came to steal, kill and destroy.
America has thrown off the restraint
That Faith in God supplied to previous generations.
America has thrown off the restraint of God's Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments.
Today, every person does what is right in his own eyes
As long as it conforms to the edicts of the Religion of State,
Secular Humanism.

America will simply play it's role in crowning the son of Satan “god.”
Every American will receive his “mark” and worship him
As Scripture describes, except those who know their God.
The Healthcare Law is simple a step in desensitizing Americans,
Making them Murderers, before God, along with the Secular Humanists;
Forcing every American to participate in their SIN of Abortion Murder.
Preparing them to receive the “mark” of the Beast.

Most of the Church of God remains silent about this reality.
Their silence before God is a denial of His Word,
Which is a denial of Christ Jesus.
The Church of God has conformed itself to the culture,
A culture that is committing spiritual suicide before their eyes
And their silence will be their spiritual suicide.

Do you claim to belong to Christ Jesus?
Do you hear His Voice in the midst of the clamoring voices of today.
Inside and outside of the Church of God.
Do you know His Word which is to know Him,
Because He is the Word of God.

Today, most of the Church of God,
Does not preach the whole Word of God.
This reality will be to their great harm and to many, their Eternal Damnation.
There will be many Foolish Virgins, many who lost their First Love,
Many who have become Lukewarm.
Many rich and in need of nothing
Who are in fact, before Christ Jesus, wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
Many who are friends of the world and therefore the enemies of God.
Many who do the works of Christ but do not have the heart of Christ.
Many who will not open the door of their heart to Christ
Who stands at their door knocking.

America will go the way of the world as described in Scripture,
To complete destruction, at the SOON return of Christ Jesus.
Will you be caught in it's death trap?
Or will you make Christ Jesus your Ark of Salvation?

To follow Christ in America will make you anathema to the culture.
Most of those you know will turn against you
As Christ Jesus said would happen.
The love of most will grow cold; it is happening today.
The blessing of God Almighty is being removed from America
Because if her SIN against Him.

America is the Prodigal Son who has taken her inheritance
And is wallowing in the pig trough.
Will she ever come to her senses? God alone knows. I pray she does.
My prayer is that those who read this message
Will not be caught in the trap that Satan has set
For those who hate Christ Jesus.
That they will make Christ Jesus their Ark of Salvation in this troubled time.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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