Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Government Your Enemy

Any government that is godless is the enemy of all,
Even those who are godless, although the godless are blind to this reality.
A godless government is the creation of Satan,
Who rules every godless government.
Who, in this Last Hour, has the single objective to crown his son “god.”
Satan has possessed many anti-Christ world leaders before,
But in this Last Hour, his final hour, Satan is allowed by God
To reveal the Antichrist of Revelation, the final and last anti-Christ,
The Beast, who through the deception of Satan,
Is able to get the whole world to worship him and receive his “mark.”

Today, the government of President Obama is a godless government.
He is a godless man with a socialist fantasy that comes directly from Satan.
This fantasy is not his alone, it has been held by many before him,
There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
The whole of Europe has this fantasy.

Under the deception of Satan, President Obama's godless government
Is attempting to press the whole nation into their godlessness.
That is what a godless government always does, they cannot allow descent.
President Obama's Health Care Law is the most blatant attempt so far.
It expands Abortion Murder, which makes every America an accomplice
To this Abortion Murder, before the Living God, which, unless REPENTED of,
Causes all who are accomplices to go to Hell.

A godless government is always anti-Christ,
Because Christ Jesus tells the godless that what they do is EVIL [John 7:7],
And they cannot and will not tolerate this decent.
They have their Religion of Secular Humanism,
Where everyone can do what is right in their own eyes as long
As the State approves.
This Religion is the predominate Religion in America today.
It is upheld by the LAW of the land and has the full force of government.

We watch today as State governments
Spit in the face of God Almighty,
With their same-sex marriage LAWS.
LAWS that are against God, His Christ Jesus, His Word, His Covenant
And His Commandments.
Laws that ignore God's lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah.

You see, Democracy is no defense against godlessness.
When more than half of a democratic nation becomes godless
They can vote in a godless government, which is what America has done.
A God dishonoring democracy is anti-Christ and headed for Hell.

A godless government cannot
And will not tolerate descent or FREEDOM of thought.
FREEDOM is anathema to a godless government.
You do have the freedom to do as you please, as long as the State approves,
But you cannot disagree with the State.
You must join their Secular Humanist Religion or be ostracized
And finally be beheaded for such decent as Scripture foretells.
In the END you must worship the Beast and receive his “mark” or die.
That is where godless America is headed.

Cursed is the one who trust in man. (Jeremiah 17:5)
America is CURSED today,
Because she has abandoned God and is trusting in man.
Unless she REPENTS the CURSE will remain until she is RUINED.
This is the sad lesson of Scriptural history
And the history of the world from the beginning until today.
There is nothing new under the sun.

America has believe the SNAKE!
Today, America is just as gullible as was Eve
When she believed she could be like God.
The SNAKE said to Eve:
Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden?...
You will not surely die.' (Genesis 3)
Yet she did die spiritually and was cast out of Paradise.
And America will spiritually die, on its current course,
And go to the Hell God created for Satan and his fallen angels,
The Lake of fire.

Who are you trusting in today, God or Satan. It is one or the other.
Are you believing God and His Word or the word of man.
The word of man apart from God is CURSED!
Whether is comes from inside or outside the Church of God.
God's Word is God's Word, it requires no interpretation from man.
Christ Jesus is the Word of God in flesh.
No one can say they believe in Christ Jesus and not His Word
Because they are ONE.
Heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of God remains FOREVER!
(Matthew 24:35)

Today, the Church of God is full of Apostates!
People who deny the Word of God and create their own religion
That has nothing to do with the God of Scripture.
There are those who preach a Commercial Gospel for their own gain.
They preach what itching ears want to hear and not what God has spoken.
They are an accused lot.
Those who follow them will go to the Hell they are destined for.
They have accommodated themselves to the culture
And the world that surrounds them, making them the ENEMIES of God.
(James 4:4)

I pray that those who read this message are standing FIRM in the Faith
Given to us by the Apostles and Prophets;
That each will be able to stand before the Son of Man when He comes.
(Luke 21:36)

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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