Friday, October 25, 2013

Satan's LIE, The World's Demise

This world in its present form is passing away.
(1 Corinthians 7:31)

Mankind began its journey on earth
By accepting the LIE from the serpent.
What was the LIE?
That if they ate the fruit of The Tree of Good and Evil,
Their eyes wold be opened
And they would be like God knowing good and EVIL [Genesis 3];
That they would not die as God had told them they would.

In fact disobeying God got them expelled
From the Garden of Eden; from Paradise,
And the knowledge of EVIL corrupted their souls and spirits
For the rest of their lives;
And from that day forward, and for the entire history of mankind.
They also did die at the end of their natural life as God had said.
They gave up Eternal LIFE in Paradise
For a natural life that had an end; Dust to dust,
Followed by Eternal Death.

Today, the world pretends
That it has gotten beyond the Curse of the LIE.
That anyone can do as they please without consequence.
That God, His Christ Jesus, His Word, His Covenant,
And His Commandments are irrelevant to their lives;
That they have developed a form of righteousness
Beyond that stated in The Word of God, that is sufficient;
Every man doing that which is right in their own eyes;
As long as the STATE approves; I'm OK your OK.

This is the essence of The Secular Humanist Religion
To which everyone embraces that does not belong to Christ Jesus;
It is the Religion of Satan; the predominant Religion in America today;
The Religion that guarantees the destination of Hell.

The Secular Humanists masquerade as angels of light,
Ignoring the Word of God; they deceive and are deceived
[2 Timothy 3:13]
They ignore the lesson of the flood of Noah's day;
They ignore the lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah;
They ignore what the Word of God says is going to happen
In our day, The Last Day.

They ignore the sordid history of mankind,
That has gone from one war to the next,
And will do so until the final WAR, Armageddon,
Where they would annihilate the entire world
If Christ Jesus did not intervene [Matthew 24:22].
They ignore the reality that the only hope for mankind
Is Faith in Christ Jesus.

Self gratification is the goal of The Secular Humanist
It is a self-centered, loveless existence.
No one can seek self gratification and have love.
Never mind that there is only One who is Love, God.
Get as much self-gratification as you can for as long as you can
And then die. As much of what?
Food, sex, money, possessions, drugs, pleasure, etc.
Then what? You die!

What a pathetic existence and yet this what motivates the world
Under the deception of the EVIL One.
You live your self-centered existence, you die and go to Hell;
Where you have all the lusts you had on earth
Without a body and the ability to satisfy any of them.
And so your soul burns with desires
That can never be fulfilled, FOREVER.
Your worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. (Mark 9:48)
This is what awaits you unless you receive Christ Jesus,
As Savior and Lord,
No matter what lies they speak over your grave at your funeral.

The Secular Humanists are the leaders of America
And every nation of the world today.
A godless, arrogant lot ALL of them, ruled by Satan.
They are puppets in the hands of Satan
Who is manipulating their puppet strings, toward ONE END;
To get them ALL to the point of receiving his son, the Antichrist,
The Beast of Revelation; of worshiping him and receiving his “mark.”
This damns ALL who do so to an Eternal Hell!

Secular Humanism includes Apostate Christians
All those, so called Christians, who have disregarded the Word of God;
Who have created for themselves a form of godliness
But denying the power of God for today.
The ones who have altered the Word of God to suit themselves;
The deniers of The Book of Revelation
And the Old Testament Prophecies as relevant for today,
And on and on.
That is why Christ Jesus posed the question:
Will the Son of Man find Faith on earth when He returns? (Luke 18:8)

Yet, today, the hand of Christ Jesus
Is extended to every living person.
Every living person is invited to receive Him as Savior and Lord
And ensure a destination of Heaven at the end of this natural life;
An invitation to live in the Kingdom of God in the here and now
As well as the by and by;
The Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.

Every person chooses their destiny, Heaven or Hell!
Christ and Heaven, or the EVIL One and The Lake of Fire!
Everyone chooses!
Will it be the TRUTH or the LIE for you?

I pray that all who read this message
Will choose to believe the TRUTH.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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