Thursday, October 31, 2013

President Obama: The Liar

It is a sad fact that President Obama has proven himself to be a liar.
He repeatedly promised Americans that if his Healthcare Law were passed
That they would be able to keep their insurance policy and their doctor
Knowing all the while that this was not the case;
Knowing full well that the New Law would cause virtually every American
To loose their insurance policy and in most cases their doctor.

Why did he do this?
He did this in the first instance to get Obamacare passed through the Senate.
It barley passed the Senate with 51 votes
And then only by using a process called “Reconciliation”
A process that was never intended by such a bill
As stated by the Democrat who was the author of “Reconciliation.”
It passed without a single Republican vote,
So that there was zero partisanship.

The President got votes from reluctant Democrats
By making back room, shady deals with fellow Democrats.
He did this by signing an Executive Order
That no Obamacare monies would be used for Abortion,
Which has since been reneged on
According those who carefully follow this issue.
Obamacare will be the cause of even more Abortions
Paid for with Tax Payer Money against the will of Christians
And those who oppose Abortion.
This makes every America an accomplice to Murder.

President Obama knew that his signing the Executive Order
Would not prevent Tax Payer funding of Abortion
And therefore he lied to and deceived the Democrat
That forced him to sign it, as well as every American.

President Obama lied about the Benghazi massacre.
He and Hillary Clinton lied when they said
That it was spontaneous riot caused by a video about Islam,
When all the while the CIA, the FBI, the Defensed Department,
And the State Department knew that it was a planned Terrorist Attack
From the moment it began.
The ongoing Congressional Investigation has verified this reality.
Four Americas were kill at Benghazi including the US Ambassador
In spite of the fact
That the Ambassador had repeatedly ask for greater security;
In spite of the fact that the Terrorists had made known
That they were going to attack
And had already fulfilled this promise in attacking the British Consulate
And the Red Cross offices.
The Congress is still pursuing this investigation.
No one in the Obama Administration has been held accountable
For this failure of Governmental over-site.

The President has said that he knew nothing about the IRS Scandal,
Where the IRS put Conservative groups under special scrutiny,
Delaying their tax exempt status,
Thereby preventing them from participating in the 2012 Election,
Thereby eliminating opposition and assisting in his re-election.
This was an outrageous use of a Government Agency
For purely political purposes as one would see in a Dictatorship.
We do not know at this time what the President knew about this IRS action
But if his other actions are indicative, he most likely knew.
The Congress is still pursuing this investigation.
No one in the Obama Administration has been held responsible
For this Illegal Action.

The President and his Attorney General say
That they knew nothing about the Fast and Furious Operation
Where the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Department (ATF)
Gave more than two thousand Assault Rifles to the Mexican Drug Cartels
One of which was use in the murder of Boarder Agent Terry.
The failure of the Attorney General
To give Congress all the correspondence concerning this Operation
Has resulted in his being held in Contempt of Congress.
The Congress is still pursuing this investigation
And no one in the Obama Administration has been held accountable.

President Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder
Lied to a Circuit Court Judge
To get a Warrant to search reporter James Rosen's emails,
Which was an illegal action by the “top cop” of the US.
Of course, as always, President Obama knew nothing about this.

President Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder
Secretly and illegally searched the phone records of the Associated Press,
Without their permission, thereby violating their Constitutional rights,
And violationg the whole idea of a Free Press,
Which is essential for a Free Republic.
Of course, as always, President Obama knew nothing about this.

President Obama's National Security Agency (NSA)
Is collecting phone transmissions and emails from Americans
In direct violation of the Constitution.
Of course, as always, President Obama knew nothing about this.

Why is all of this important?
First, President Obama has demonstrated that he is a Socialist
By his Laws, policies and practices.
He vowed to “TRANSFORM” America after he was elected,
But never said to “What.”
He never talked abut “TRANSFORMING” America
While he was running for the Presidency.
If he had, I doubt that he would have been elected.
However, now we know what he intends to “TRANSFORM” America to:
A Socialist, Fascist form of government
Where the government controls every aspect of the lives of Americans
In direct opposition to the precepts of those who founded this nation
And in opposition to how America has been governed since that time.
Now President Obama's masquerade has been unmasked.
Every American should now know what he stands for.

One of President Obama's mentors was Saul Alinsky who said:
Any means justifies the glorious end of Socialism.
That is why President Obama lies
Because, in the pursuit of his Socialist Dream,
He will, like his mentor, do anything to accomplish that END.

Why is all this important to Christians?
Because President Obama is anti-Christ.
His Laws, policies and practices are anti-Christ;
They are against God, His Christ Jesus, His Word, His Covenant
And His Commandments.
David Barton of Wall Builders has documented this reality.

No anti-Christ nation will stand.
This is a promise from God Almighty. (Psalm 2)
ALL the nations that rage against God will FALL.
Today, every nation is raging against God
As Scripture said would happen in the Last Day.
President Obama is taking America to Hell,
Along with all who follow or support him.
He is an Abortionist Murderer, a proven LIAR,
He defies God's Word, His Covenant and His Commandments.
He claims to be a Christian but this is a lie, as proven by his actions.

I pray that those who belong to Christ Jesus will awaken to this reality
And will not be taken in by this lying President.
Satan is a LIAR and the father of lies.
Christ Jesus told those who did not believe He was the Christ of God:

You belong to your father, the Devil,
And you want to carry out your father's desire.
He was a Murderer from the beginning, not holding to the TRUTH,
For there is no TRUTH in him.
When he LIES he speaks his native language,
For he is a LIAR and the father of LIES. (John 8:44)

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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