Monday, October 28, 2013

God Will Forgive Anything and Everything

When there is true REPENTANCE God will forgive
Anything and everything.
The one thing God cannot and will not forgive is UNBELIEF.
God speaks to every living person and revels to them the TRUTH.
If a person will not accept God's TRUTH as contained in His Word and His Commandments, that person cannot be forgiven.

Without Faith it is impossible to please God,
Because anyone who comes to Him must BELIEVE He exists
And that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

To be forgiven a person must believe God exists
And that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
If a person does not believe He exists
There would be no point in asking for forgiveness.
Who would you be asking forgiveness from?
If God does exist, as He does, then He is the ALL seeing, ALL knowing,
ALL powerful, present everywhere God of Creation.
Then He must be sought after because he is the One
Who determines ALL things; Who holds Eternity in His hands.

He is the One Whom ALL SIN is against;
As Creator, He alone determines what is SIN, and what is not.
He is the one Who guards the Holiness of Heaven.
He is the one who confronts every person who ever died.
He is the one Who will SOON bring “Time” to and END.
He is the One Who's Kingdom is coming to earth as in Heaven,
For a thousand years, according to His Word.
He is the One Who will create a New Heaven and a New Earth;
He is the One with Whom the REDEEMED, the Forgiven, will spend Eternity.

If He exists then Heaven exists;
If He exists, then there is a destination beyond this natural life;
If he exists, then He has spoken to us through His Word;
Then, as He declares, He has a Covenant and Commandments.
If He exists, then He is the One Who rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
If He exists, then He is the only One who can grant forgiveness.

God is not passive.
It is said of Christ Jesus, that the ZEAL for His Father's House consumed Him.
He said that His food was to do the will of His Father.
If the reality of Heaven and Hell does not motivate you, then nothing will.
If you do not desire Heaven with all that is within you, then you are hopeless.
If you do not love God Who's ways are Perfect and Who's Word is flawless,
Then you are hopeless.

But if you BELIEVE God exists, then you will earnestly seek Him;
Then you will love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength;
Then you will ask Him to forgive you of your SIN and He will.
He will remove your SIN from you, as far as the east is from the west
Though your SINS be as scarlet He will make you white a snow.

ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

Therefore ALL of us who belong to Christ Jesus,
Who have a destination of Heaven, have REPENTED of our SIN
And receive the only means of that forgiveness:
The Precious Blood of Christ.
The blood of Christ alone, is able to provide forgiveness of SIN.
There is no other means and no other Name given among men
Whereby we must be SAVED. (Acts 4:12)

The Perfect Law of God requires,
That without the shedding of blood no SIN can be forgiven [Colossians 1:14],
And without receiving the SINLESS blood of Christ no one can be forgiven.
Christ Jesus, God in flesh, provided the PERFECT Sacrifice;
The only sacrifice acceptable to God, for the sins of the whole world.
He did this Once, and for ALL [1 Peter 3:18],
But it is only effective for those who BELIEVE.

Anyone can make the sacrifice Christ Jesus made effective for them.
Any SIN can be forgiven by God Almighty,
But only by REPENTANCE; Only by turning from that SIN to God.

How do we turn to God?
There is only One Way and that Way is by His Word.
We must be water washed, blood washed, filled with His Spirit
And walk in the Light of Christ.
If we do not do these things any REPENTANCE is meaningless.
If we so not walk in Covenant with God according to His Word,
We are not REDEEMED. (1 John 1:7)
If we do not walk in the Light of Christ we do not BELEIVE.
We cannot say we BELIEVE and not do what He Commands.
To love Him is to do what He Commands.

The first and greatest Commandment of God, is to love God,
With all our heart, soul, mind and strength. (Matthew 22:38)
That is what it means to BELIEVE.

I pray that all who read this message are forgiven,
And are walking in the Light of Christ.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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