Friday, September 6, 2013

America's State Religion

Today, America has a created for itself a State Religion.
It's distinguishing characteristic is that it is anti-Christ,
It is against God, His Christ Jesus and His Word.
Many of it's adherents don't recognize they are of the same Religion.
But in thought and practice they are the same; they are all godless.
The chief tenant of the religion is that man is “god.”
Man is the center of all significance.
And every man can do what is right in his own eyes,
As long as it is conforms to the edicts of the State.

The godless tout the need for the separation of Church and State.
But in their EVIL cleverness,
They have created a State Religion without a Church.
The only Church they wanted rendered impotent 
Was the Church of Christ Jesus,
Because He tells them that what they do is EVIL. (John 7:7)

The Institutions of Indoctrination are the Public Schools.
This is where the young of America are indoctrinated into the State Religion.
The Teachers of America are its priests.
The College Professors are higher order Priests.
These Religious Institutions demand conformance.
Everyone must conform or be rejected.
The adherents of the America's State Religion
Are as zealous for their religion as those of any religion that ever existed.

The Judicial System determines what conforms to the State Religion
And what does not.
The FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, State and Local Police
Are the enforcement arm of the Religion.

The Internal Revenue Service
Makes sure that everyone pays their “fair share.”

America's godless Electorate
Puts into state and national government office
Those who are like themselves: Godless, of the same Religion.
This makes up the government of State where they promulgate
And carry out the godless laws that govern the State.

Business is controlled by the government of State.
If they want to survive
They must conform to the edicts of the godless government.

The Abortion Mill is the Altar of Sacrifice of the State Religion;
Where it sacrifices the unwanted unborn
For the convenience of the State and the “right” of the mother.

The President of State is the High Priest of the State Religion.
He rules from his Throne in the White House.
He and his cadre of functionaries are the final determiners
Of what is acceptable in the State; the doctrine of the State Religion.

The Cities of America are the Temples of the State Religion
Where the adherents go to worship in their self-indulgence.

Ironically, this current America State Religion is as oppressive
As was the rule and Religion of King George III
In the time of the America Revolution to those who belong to Christ Jesus.
America fought for freedom from a tyrant
And now has created a TYRANT of its own making.
This is what godless men always do apart form Christ Jesus.
Because the godless are ruled by Satan, who came to steal, kill and destroy.

In the END this godless, American State Religion will come to NOTHING.
As ALL of the State Religions that preceded it have done.
Rebellion against the God of Creation, His Christ Jesus and His Word,
Always FAILS.

The God of creation designed only one Way that works,
He sent Christ Jesus to show mankind that Way.
Christ Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth and the only LIFE.
Rejection of God, His Christ Jesus and His Word is a DEATH WISH.
Currently, America has a DEATH WISH.

Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand
And the rulers gather together against the Lord
And against His Anointed One [Christ Jesus].

'Let us break their chains,' they say, 'and throw off their fetters.'
[The Word of God, His Commands and His Covenant]
The One enthroned in Heaven [God Almighty] laughs;
The Lord scoffs at them.
Then He rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in His WRATH, saying,
'I have installed My King on Zion, My Holy Hill.' (Psalm 2)

Understand, that God has already installed His King, Christ Jesus
On His Throne, on Zion His Holy Hill.
IT IS WRITTEN and cannot be changed.
Satan is already defeated and destined for the Lake of Fire
Created by God for him and his fallen angels.

Today, ALL the nations are godless;
ALL the actions of the nations, 
And their godless leaders will come to NOTHING!
ALL the Cities of the nations; their godless Temples will collapse.
The whole earth will be ruined and most of mankind die,
In God's Great Tribulation.
WHY? because they have rejected God, His Christ Jesus and His Word.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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