Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Have You Been Seduced?

If you believe that there is any future
In the godless, American culture that surrounds you
Then you have been seduced;
A culture that aborts its unborn
And defies the Word of God by its actions, laws and policies.
If you believe that America is “Christian,”
Because some claim it is, you have been seduced.
If America was ever “Christian,”
It was because most Americans feared and loved God.
Today that is not the case.

Many who call themselves Christian do not fear and love God
As can be seen by their actions and the lives they lead;
By the “fruit” of their lives.
They have been seduced by the culture that surrounds them.
They are no different from the culture that surrounds them,
Except they call themselves “Christian.”
In most of what they do they are the same as
To the godless culture that surrounds them.

No “Christian” America could have elected and re-elected
The anti-Christ, President Obama
And all the other godless, elected officials in America and be “Christian.”

Christians could not allow their children to be fed to the Lion,
Satan, through the American, Public Education System he runs.

America's godless Media facilitates the seduction
By obscuring the Truth,
Because they hate the Truth; they hate Christ Jesus and all He stands for.
They hate His commands, His Covenant and His Word.

America's godless Entertainment Industry facilitates the seduction,
Dominated by the Hollywood Whore.
It spews forth an endless stream of adultery toward the God of Heaven;
She has intoxicated virtually all of America with the wine of her adultery;
She presents America with an endless stream of IDOLS..

America could REPENT and God would forgive her
But America is in love with her sin; she can no longer even blush.
She is deceived into believing she will never be widowed. (Revelation 18:7)
She calls herself “The Greatest Nation on Earth,”
When in reality she is the greatest sinner on earth today;
She is home to Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Prostitutes,
And Of The Abominations Of The Earth. (Revelation 17)

The whole world is intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.
With her all the nations of the earth
Have committed adultery toward God Almighty. (Revelation 17:2)

If you have taken solace in the Commercial Gospel
Preached in many America Churches today, you have been seduced.
Worse yet, if you are in the midst of the Apostate Church
That denies the Word of God and has created their own gospel.

The Commercial Gospel tells its listeners
What their itching ears want to hear. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
It's LIE is often in what it does not preach; the LIE of Omission.
It omits most of the Word of God;
Omitting anything that might bring conviction of SIN;
Anything that might bring to reality, Hell.
These preachers/teachers are friends of the world
And people speak highly of them,
As people spoke highly of ALL the previous False Prophets. (Luke 6:26)
For these people preaching and teaching is simply a commercial venture.
They make a living telling people what they want to hear.

The Jews of Jesus' day thought that because they were Israelites,
In the lineage of Abraham, that they belonged to God.
Jesus had to tell them that they were not sons of Abraham but sons of Satan
Because they refused to believe He was the Christ of God. (John 8:44-47)
America, by its actions, has refused the Christ of God; refused the Truth.

Hell is enlarging its mouth to receive all the seduced Americans
Who have laid claim to the Name of Christ but live like the devil;
Who have conformed themselves
To the wicked, godless culture that surrounds them.
Who have conformed themselves to the godless, Political Correctness
That pervades the culture where good is called EVIL and EVIL good.

If you think that the Political Correctness
You are witnessing is harmless, think again.
It is at a level unprecedented in America prior to this time.
It has been designed by Satan for a purpose.

The Godless, Political Correctness we are witnessing today,
Demands conformance and soon it will be “or else.”
It is going to press every Christian into a corner,
Until all that is left is to deny the Christ Who died for them,
Or be ostracized, jailed or ultimately killed.
It leads finally to the “mark” of the Beast
That the godless culture will submit to and damn themselves to Hell.
That is the road the godless American culture is on, deceived by Satan.
That is why Christ Jesus warned the saints to flee from Babylon;
From the heart-set and mind-set of the damned.

I pray that those who have laid claim to the Name of Christ
Will open their eyes and hear the voice of God,
Through the Holy Spirit as He speaks today;
That they will open up the Word of God as find the “real” God of the Bible,
Not the fantasy preached and taught by the commercial, preachers/teachers
So prevalent today.

Hitler's Germany stands as an example of a nation
That was seduced by an emissary of Satan, Hitler and his minions.
The German Church capitulated to him to their great harm.
Those who refused to conform to his propaganda and actions
Were sent to prison, killed or both.
The godless in America, lead by President Obama, are of the same spirit;
The spirit of Satan and they are leading America to its RUIN.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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