Monday, August 26, 2013

Are you Saved?

What are you saved from?
And what are you saved to?

If you are saved,
You have been saved out of the kingdom of this world,
Where everyone is born, Satan's kingdom,
Which includes every nation on earth.

If you are saved,
You have been saved into the Kingdom of God,
A Kingdom that is not of this world, a supernatural Kingdom,
The only alternative to the kingdom of this world.

Every living person
Lives in one or the other of these two kingdoms.

If you are saved,
You live in the Kingdom of God;
You have found the NARROW Road that only a few find.
You live in Covenant with God;
He has put His Law in your mind and written it upon your heart.
You are in Covenant with God; You obey His Commands
Christ Jesus is your Way, your Truth and your LIFE.
You have REPENTED of your sin and
The precious blood of Christ has washed away your sins.
You have been crucified with Christ and no longer live
But it is Christ Who lives in and through you;
This life you now live you live by Faith in the Son of God
And His Power at work in you
You have set your heart on things above, in Heaven;
Your life is hidden with Christ in God;
You have clothed yourself with the garments of Christ
And let His Word dwell richly in you;
Your destination is Heaven, FOREVER!

If you are not saved,
You are living in the kingdom of Satan; the kingdom of this world.
You are living in the sin you were born into.
You have rejected God, His Christ Jesus
His Word, His Commands and His Covenant.
You have refused to love the Truth, Christ.
You are on the wide road that leads to Destruction.
You are godless and suppress the Truth by your wickedness,
Since what may be know about God is plain to you
Because God has made it plain to you.
For since the creation of the world--
God's invisible qualities—His Eternal Power and Divine Nature--
Have been clearly seen,
Being understood from what has been made,
So you are without EXCUSE! (Romans 1:18-20)
Your destination is Hell, The Lake of Fire, FOREVER!

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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