Friday, July 26, 2013

The World: Satan's Plantation

Scripture teaches us that Satan is the “god” of this Age
[2 Corinthians 4:4], since the “fall” of Adam and Eve.
Age” being the entire length of “Time” God has given this world to exist
In its present form; six thousand years and then The Day of Rest.
Therefore, Satan is the “god” of the world today,
And until Christ Jesus returns to reclaim His earth.
Presently, then, the world is under Satan's ruler-ship, or is his Plantation.

I use the symbol of Plantation,
Because in America, Plantations are correlated with slavery
And the Scriptures teach us that everyone born, is born into SIN,
And is therefore a slave to SIN. (John 8:34)
Satan is simply the slave owner.
This imagery helps us understand the condition of the world
And every person in it, who has not surrendered themselves to Christ Jesus,
Which is most of humanity.

Christ Jesus is the only WAY out of slavery to Satan.
He is the only One Who can set the slaves or captives FREE. (Galatians 5:1)

The Good News is that Christ Jesus will set FREE,
ANYONE who will receive Him as Savior and Lord, according to Scripture.
He can do this because He is infinitely more powerful than Satan.
When He returns he binds Satan for a thousand years
And after that sends him to the Lake of Fire, FOREVER
Along with all who remained slaves to him.

Currently every nation and every world leader is a slave to Satan.
This helps us understand the wicked condition of the world.
Satan came to steal, kill and destroy
And the results of his work are obvious in the world today,
As they have been obvious in every generation since Adam and Eve.

ALL that goes on in the world is being directed by Satan,
Apart from those who belong to Christ Jesus.
He pits one nation against another according to his will.
He is leading ALL the nations to his ultimate plan and purpose;
To present to the world his “savor,” his son, the Antichrist
The “Beast” of Revelation.

This revelation of the Antichrist is also God's Powerful Delusion. Listen:

The coming of the Lawless One [The Antichrist]
Will be in accordance with the work of Satan
Displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles signs and wonders,
And in every sort of EVIL that deceives those who are perishing.
They perish because they refused to love the Truth [Christ] and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a POWERFUL Delusion
So that they will believe the LIE
And so that ALL will be CONDEMNED
Who have not believed the Truth [Christ]
But have delighted in WICKEDNESS. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Why do the nations follow Satan?
Because they are deceived and slaves to their SIN;
They have refused Christ Jesus' offer of SALVATION;
The only Way out of SIN.
They have believed Satan's LIE, and DELIGHTED in WICKEDNESS,
And are therefore under his control.
Everyone is wicked who refuses Christ Jesus' offer of Salvation,
Which includes most of humanity; most of those leading America today.

What you see and hear on the news today
Is all leading in ONE diabolical DIRECTION,
The destruction of the world as we know it, according to Scripture.
Scripture lays out in great detail what happens
In this Last Hour of this Last Day.
In the END, ALL the nations of the world
Come against Christ Jesus at Armageddon.

Coming SOON is God's Hour of Trial; It is coming upon the whole world
To TEST those who live on the earth [Revelation 3:10], His Great Tribulation.
The question you must ask yourself is, will you pass the TEST?
Do you belong to Christ and does He belong to you?

Anything and everything we have held back from Christ Jesus
Satan will use against us.
You see, contrary to popular preaching, it is ALL or NOTHING with Christ.
We must love God, His Christ Jesus and His Word, Who are One,
With all our heart, mind, soul and strength or we remain lost
And on Satan's Plantation.
If we continue to SIN, we remain on Satan's Plantation, a slave to SIN.
We must deny ourselves, turn from our selfish ways,
Take up our cross, the cross of Faith,
The cross of being hated by the the world; the God haters and Christ haters,
And follow in Christ's footsteps. (Matthew 16:24)

If you have come to Faith in Christ,
You have allowed Christ to live in and through you,
You have been Baptized, Immersed in His Holy Spirit
And now the POWER of God resides in you
That enables you to resist the temptations of Satan and live in and for Christ.
You have given up your life in this life to obtain the LIFE of Christ.
It is the POWER of Christ in you
That enables you to OVERCOME this wicked world
And Satan who rules over it and nothing else.

You have been crucified with Christ to this wicked world
And no longer live but it is Christ who lives in you.
This LIFE that you now live you live by Faith in the Son of God
And His POWER at work in you.
You have set your heart of things above
Your LIFE is hidden with Christ in God;
You have clothed yourself with the garments of Christ
And let His Word dwell richly in you.

I pray that this is true for all who read this message;
That you are not living on Satan's Plantation, but in the Kingdom of God.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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