Thursday, July 4, 2013

Satan's Puppets: The Nations

Scripture teaches us that Satan rules the nations; they belong to him; 
They comprise his kingdom.
He blatantly offered them to Christ Jesus [Matthew 4:8]. 
That is why, to be a friend of the world, is to be God's enemy [James 4:4].

Today, the Nations are Satan's puppets.
They have always been Satan's puppets,
Because they have rejected God, His Christ Jesus and His Word.
This astounding reality is foretold in the Word of God in its entirety.
Satan came to steal, kill and destroy and that is the history of mankind,
Stealing, killing and destroying.
The spirituality and psychology of mankind can be summed up in the Proverb:
There is a way that seems right to a man, the end thereof is death.
(Proverbs 14:12)
And every man does that which is right in his own eyes
But the Lord weighs the heart. (Proverbs 21:2)
Lets take a partial look at history:

Deceived by Satan Adam and Eve rejected the Word of God.

In the days of Noah mankind rejected the Word of God given by Noah
who was a preacher of righteousness. (2 Peter 2:5)

In the days of Nimrod, in defiance of God, mankind builds The Tower of Babel. To prevent mankind from becoming entirely corrupt, God, in His mercy, disperses them by giving them different languages.

In the days of Moses those of Israel who were delivered from Egypt
rejected the Word of God and most died in the desert.

In the days of the Judges, Israel rejected the Word of God given by the Judges and when through cycles of rejecting and returning to God.

In the days of Israel's Prophets, Israel rejected the Word of God
given by the Prophets and was taken into captivity.

Since the resurrection of Christ Jesus the Nations have been godless with few exceptions [America was an exception as founded] and their entire history can be told by their wars.

Today, since the establishment of the United Nations, we see mankind in the process of building a contemporary Tower of Babel. World wide commerce, and modern communication including money transfers have brought the Nations together as nothing before had done. We now have the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank and a common world wide currency, the American dollar. The American dollar that is being debased every day by the Federal Reserve by their printing of worthless money.

Today, ALL the Nations are bankrupt in their attempt to build their godless, Socialist, Communist Utopias. They have, through the deception of Satan, set the stage for the “savior” Satan will gladly supply. Their “savior,” the son of Satan, the Antichrist will offer them their solution, absolute control of all commerce through his “mark.” All other currencies will be done away with and there will be one currency, the “mark” of the Beast, under his absolute control. This will be the One World Order the Nations are seeking today.

This situation, foretold by Scripture, requires every person to receive the “mark” of the Beast and to worship Satan and his son the Antichrist or to be killed. This means the Eternal Death of ALL who do so, which is exactly what Satan wants to accomplish. Satan knows his destination is the Lake of Fire and his objective is to take as many as possible there with him.

Since the fall of Adam and Eve Satan has controlled the kingdoms of the world. That is why he could offer them to Jesus [Matthew 4:8]. However, never has his kingdom been under the obvious control of one person. That is what happens at the END of Time, the time we are living in. The entire world comes under the control of the son of Satan, the Antichrist, just as Scripture has foretold.

Today, the godless President Obama and the godless ones who support him have perpetrated godlessness in America as never before. “Blue America,” America's Babylon, has elected him twice.

Godless President Obama and his godless supporters are in the process of “TRANSFORMING” America into a godless State. However, they are simply “PUPPETS” of Satan; part of his world wide, diabolical plan. Yet, Satan and all his minions are simply acting in accordance with all that Scripture has foretold and they will do so down to the finest detail. God foreknew exactly what each world leader would do, deceived by Satan, from Nimrod to the Antichrist of Revelation.

In the midst of this world wide deception, in every generation, God has obtained called, chosen and faithful believers. Understand, that God has revealed Himself to every individual person. Every person has had the opportunity to choose God or Satan. Once God reveals Himself to a person, it is, then, up to that person to believe or not. Most do not; the Way of God, The Way of Christ Jesus, is a NARROW Way. It is the opposite of the heart-set and mind-set of the world. Nevertheless, some do follow Christ Jesus and they comprise The Bride of Christ.

Understand, that in all that exists, Christ Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth and the only LIFE; Eternal LIFE. Christ Jesus is the perfect representation of God. When you see Christ Jesus you see God. (John 14:9)

ALL the ways of man end in disaster. Man without Christ Jesus is hopeless, helpless and condemned. That is why He came, to save those who would believe. At the END of Time, if Christ Jesus had not returned, mankind would have self-annihilated [Matthew 24:22]. ALL men without Christ are the PUPPETS of Satan [John 8:44], deceived.

This reality is the framework described by The Word Of God. This is what Christ Jesus has revealed to all mankind. This reality is what we see unfolding in America today. America, today, has become a godless TYRANNY. The godless are imposing their false religion, Secular Humanism on the entire American society. They are as “religious” as any recognized religion. Their unifying ideology is hated of God, His Christ Jesus and His Word. The godless hate those who follow Christ because Christ tells them that what they do is EVIL.

Understand, the everything outside of God, His Christ Jesus and His Word is EVIL. Christ is the only STANDARD of morality; the only One. ALL activity outside of this STANDARD is EVIL and headed for Hell. Every person and every Nation operating outside of the this STANDARD stands condemned before the Living God.

The godless like their father, Satan, masquerade as angels of light. Only those who have received Christ and live in Christ can see through this masquerade. Everyone else is blind to this reality.

Today, just as in the days of Noah, Moses, the Prophets, all that we, who know God, His Christ Jesus and His Word can do, is to live in Covenant with our God and warn the people of what is happening around us; To warn those around us of what Scripture has foretold and will come to pass; That there is Salvation in Christ Jesus ALONE, according to His Word.

This world in it's present form is passing away [1 Corinthians 7:31]. The only question for each of us is whether we will pass away with the world to the Lake of Fire and Eternal Death, or spend Eternity with Christ Jesus in His Heaven. That is the question that each of us will answer. Every person will either believe God, His Christ Jesus and His Word, or this fallen, deceived world, lead by fallen, deceived men and women, the PUPPETS of Satan.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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