Tuesday, June 4, 2013

We Are Living In An Evil Time

We are living in an evil Time.
The Time in which Satan makes his move
To reveal his ownership of the world; to be worshiped as “god.”
Virtually everything going on in the world today,
Apart from that done by those who belong to Christ Jesus,
Is toward that END.
Understand that the days have always been evil [Ephesians 5:16],
But there is the Time when Satan takes off his mask
And demands to be worshiped overtly, through his son,
The Antichrist foretold by Scripture. We are living in that Time.

Satan has always owned the world since the “Fall” of Adam and Eve.
This is the seldom spoken reality.
Every person born, is born condemned before the Living God,
And unless they make Christ Jesus, Savior and Lord, they remain condemned.
Most of the Church of God has avoided speaking about this reality.
As the Evil of this Time unfolds,
This SIN of Omission by the Church of God
Will be the cause of tremendous disillusionment
Within the Body of Christ and will cause many to fall into Satan's arms
And ultimately go to Hell.

The Great Apostasy foretold by Scripture is already well underway.
With many claiming the Name of Christ but denying His Power, and His Word.
The political pressure to deny that the Word of God means what it says
Is tremendous and increasing every day.
The ascendancy of the homosexual lifestyle as “normal” is an issue
That punctuates this reality; Abortion Murder is another.
All of this is Satan inspired and leading toward the revelation of his son,
And the damnation of all who worship him and receive his “mark,”
Which will include most of humanity.

Today, most live in denial of what is happening around them.
Most Christians are unwilling to face this reality
And their preachers are unwilling to face this reality.
They preach the love and grace of God without the consequences of SIN;
The consequences of defying God and His Word.
The apostle Paul describes this Time:

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires,
They will gather around them a great number of teachers
To say what their itching ears want to hear.
They will turn their ears away from the Truth and turn aside to myths.
(2 Timothy 4:3-4)

We are living in the Time that the apostle Paul foretold.

The defiance of America toward God, His Christ Jesus and His Word,
At every level of American Society,
Is unprecedented in the history of America.
The Obama Administration epitomizes this defiance.
This defiance places God's CURSE on America,
And unless there is REPENTANCE, there will be complete RUIN.
Every person and every nation will reap what they sow.
This is an unchangeable principle of God.

Today, every one who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus
Will be persecuted, while evil men go from bad to worse,
Deceiving and being deceived. (2 timothy 3:12-13)

Christ Jesus said of this Time:
Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of MOST will grow cold,
But he who stands to the END will be saved. (Matthew 24:12-13)

Even so when you see these things happening,
You know that it [the Time] is near, right at the door. (Mark 13:29)

Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when the Time will come.
(Mark 13:33)

What I say to you I say to everyone: Watch! (Mark 13:37)

Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong;
Let him who is vile continue to be vile;
Let him who does right continue to do right;
And let him who is holy continue to be holy. (Revelation 22:11)

Today, we see wickedness proliferating at an alarming rate.
The US economy will soon fall apart because of wickedness in high places;
When the enormous load of debt becomes unsustainable any longer.
What will most Americans do when they are poverty stricken;
And they have no faith in God?
What will those who claim the Name of Christ do
When there seems to be no love and grace of God
In their outward circumstances?
Where will the love and grace preachers be who did not warn their flocks.

In Germany, under Hitler, most of those who claimed the Name of Christ
Capitulated to Hitler; the Church leaders capitulated to Hitler.
The Christians who did not capitulate were sent to prison or killed or both.
The Satanically inspired Hitler brought Germany to RUIN.
Most of those who claimed the Name of Christ
Went with Hitler to a devil's Hell.

I pray that those who claim the Name of Christ
Will not go with Obama to a devil's Hell,
For that is surely where he and all who support and follow him are headed.

The only Christians who will not follow Obama
And the multitude of false Preachers and Prophets today
Are those who love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength;
Who KNOW God;
Who have been crucified with Christ to this wicked world
And no longer live but it is Christ Who lives in them;
Who have set their hearts on things above;
Who's lives are hidden with Christ in God;
Who have clothed themselves with the garments of Christ
And who let His Word dwell richly in them.
Everyone else will fall for the devil's scheme and be Eternally lost.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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