Monday, June 17, 2013

America's Greatest Threat: Its Godlessness

America's greatest threat is not Terrorism, it is it's own godlessness
Because it's only protector is God Almighty
And God Almighty will not protect a nation
That dishonors Him, His Christ Jesus and His Word.
If America honored God, terrorism would not be an issue.

The current government of the US is godlessness;
Blue America,” the Babylon of America,
The entity that put this godless Government in place by Election is godless.
Therefore America stands hopeless, helpless and condemned
Before the Living God.
God has given America over to the deceitfulness of its dark, godless heart.

America is at this point still a Government Elected by the people
And a godless people Elect a godless Government.
Most Americans are ignorant of the fact
That America exists by the grace of God, alone;
She became the greatest nation on earth by the grace of God, alone.
Now, however, she has ignored the grace of God
And Arrogantly and Pridefully dishonors the God who created her.

America's only hope is to REPENT, stop it's Abortion Murder,
Stop it's defiance of the Word of God by law and action;
Stop it's innumerable sins against God Almighty.
Unless she does so she is hopeless;
As hopeless as all the so called, “great,” nations that preceded her,
Who were also godless and are now in the dustbin of history.

Some, in America, will still issue forth the phrase, “God Bless America,”
But most of those who do so honor God with their lips
But their hearts are far from Him.
What they do against God is so loud it drowns out what they say.

America's Apostate Christians
Have put their seal of approval on this godless Government.
They are as godless as the Government they approve of.

America is being ground to powder
Because every person and every nation have but ONE choice in this life;
They either fall upon the ROCK, Christ, and are broken to pieces
Or the ROCK falls upon them and they are ground to powder. (Luke 20:18)
Because America has not chosen to fall upon the ROCK and be broken
In true REPENTANCE, before the Living God, she is being ground to powder.
America is reaping what she has sown,
As does every person and every nation.

The godless are deceived and they in turn deceive.
They are mere puppets of the Evil One, Satan, doing his bidding.
They are on a fast track to Hell, the destiny of the one they serve.
In this life you serve one or the other, either God or the Devil.
There is nothing in-between.
God has already pronounced the destination of the Devil, The Lake of Fire;
It is written in His Book and cannot be altered.
However, every nation and every person has a choice.

America is saturated with Good News Preachers
As if there were no bad news.
They preach what the itching ears of their followers want to hear.
They have conformed themselves to the godless culture that surrounds them.
All men speak well of them
As was the case with the False Prophets of the Past. Listen to Christ Jesus:

'Woe to you when all men speak well of you.
For that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.' (Luke 6:26)

As soon as anyone preaches what SIN is
And what the consequences of SIN inevitably brings;
The godless culture we live in comes unglued. You are a bigot.
That is why there is currently a WAR against Christ in America.
The godless culture we live in, America today, hates Christ Jesus.
In the END, ALL the nations give their power and authority to the Beast
And make WAR against the Lamb. (Revelation 17:12-14)

Who can you trust today?
Only God, His Christ Jesus and His Word.
Everything outside of this is a LIE.
It is up to each person to seek God and His Truth.
I pray that you are listening to the few
Who dare to preach the WHOLE Word of God; the WHOLE Truth.

Do you want to be Blessed?
Read and conform your life to the teaching of Christ Jesus.
Start with Matthew Chapter 5:1-20.
Christ Jesus said of the Book of Revelation:

Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophesy,
And who takes to heart what is written in it, because the TIME is near.
(Revelation 1:3)

What is the greatest threat to America today: It's godlessness.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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