Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Coward(s) Of Benghazi

There is a Coward(s) in the American Government.
This Coward(s) was willing to allow ALL those American personnel in Benghazi
To die without assistance. Four people did die,
Including the American Ambassador, Christopher Stevens.
Thirty other people may have died
Had not the two navy seals disobeyed orders and come to their rescue
This rescue cost these men their lives.

There are only a few candidates for the mantle of Coward.
It is either the President of the United States, Barrack Obama,
The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,
The head of the Department of Defense, Leon Panetta,
The head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey,
AFRICOM Commander Carter Ham, or all of them.

The Coward(s) was willing to allow all the US personnel in Benghazi
To die without any assistance.
No attempt at giving them assistance was made.
This is a disgrace to this Nation.

Is this a harbinger of what the American Military is to become,
A bunch of Cowards?
Under the leadership of President Obama it may well be.

The godless are always Cowards.
President Obama and his Democrats, Progressives and Liberals,
Embracing their Secular Humanist Religion, the Religion of Socialism,
Are efficient at Murdering the defenseless unborn.
This act of cowardice may well now extend
To every aspect of the American Government
And to the Electorate who puts them in office.
The whole Nation may be a Nation of Cowards.

The whole world looks on and sees a Cowardly America.
The FBI, the CIA, and the local and state police
Are no longer be able to protect the streets of America.
Because of the non-sense of Political Correctness,
Which is a symptom of the pervasive godlessness in America today.

The Fort Hood shooting,
Where the perpetrator displayed his radical Islamic convictions,
Well before the atrocity took place,
Was not stopped because of Political Correctness.
It is a Pathetic Military that cannot police and protect it's own.
The Obama Administration called this atrocity, Work Place Violence
When the perpetrator cried out Allauh Akbar, the war cry of radical Islam,
While he killed the and maimed the innocent.

Only a Cowardly Nation makes slaves of its young
By spending itself into Oblivion and that is exactly what it has done.

It appears America will continue in its Cowardice
Until the “FUNNY MONEY”
The Federal Reserve is continually printing runs out;
And it will run out at some point
And America can no longer spend more than it earns.

Is there anyone in America who is not a Coward?
Only Cowards stand by and allow theses atrocities to take place.
The Writing Is On The Wall, and it does not take Daniel to interpret it!
The God of Heaven has made it clear to all who have eyes to see
And ears to hear.
America has abandoned the God of Heaven for a bowl of Secular Soup;
It has abandoned its Birthright,
Purchased by the blood of those more noble than perhaps any today.
It has treated the Covenant of God, His Christ Jesus and His Word
Of no account.
It has sown to the wind and is reaping the whirlwind. (Hosea 8:7)

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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