Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Obama: Taking America To Hell

President Obama is a Satan inspired, diabolical man,
Taking America to Hell.
He is not unique, history is littered with them, Hitler being the most recent.
His mentor is Saul Alinsky, a Communist,
With a vision of a Communist Paradise who wanted to go to Hell,
Which is undoubtedly where he resides today.
It is not sufficient for these men and women to go quietly to Hell themselves,
No, they must take as many with them as they can.
Which is exactly what Satan does.
Satan knows his destination, Hell,
And he wants to take as many to Hell with him as he can.

Satan is the most irrational person who ever lived.
He had the audacity to think he could be like God, the Self-existent One.
This is the most irrational thought ever;
That a created being could ever be like the Self-existent One is irrational.
ALL who follow Satan are as irrational as he is, President Obama being one.

Who are those who follow Satan? ALL who do not follow Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus told the Jews of His day,
Those who failed to recognize Him as the Christ of God,
That their father was Satan. (John 8:44)
Everyone who does not accept Jesus as the Christ of God,
Has Satan as their father.
Satan is a liar and the father of lies [John 8:44];
He came to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10)

So, we have President Obama with his fantasy
Of a Communist Paradise,
And the Saul Alinsky idea that any means justifies the perverted end
Of achieving that Communist Paradise.
Then you can understand what we see happening
In the Obama Administration today.

Did President Obama ever make his objective clear?
Of course not, he knew well
That most Americans would not follow him if he did.
He had to pretend to have the values of most Americans
Including being a Christian, which he is not.
He, like his father Satan, is a liar, masquerading as an angel of light,
As Satan masquerades as and angel of light. (2 Corinthians 7:14)

President Obama's objective is to fill government, at every level,
With those who have the same objective as he does;
Who will use any means to achieve their diabolical end.
With the multitude of SCANDALS perpetrated by the Obama Administration Today, we can see the outworking of that.
At the end of Obama's term America may well have an Alinsky government;
Godless and of the devil including the Military.

President Obama is president of the godless in America today.
ALL those who have rejected God, His Christ Jesus and His Word.
And through his deception, he was able to get himself elected twice.
He is president of godless “Blue” America, the Babylon of America.
President of the godless Abortion Murderers; Planned Parenthood;
Murder Inc., who will murder babies at any stage of development.
President of America's godless Public Education System
Who teach their godlessness from first grade through college;
President of the godless US Media, his ministry of propaganda.
President of the godless, so called, Entertainment Industry
Who avidly support him.
President of the godless Unions who demand unreasonable "rights."
President of Occupy Wall Street, a group of anarchist vandals.
The President who continues to spend America into oblivion
Thereby making slaves of the next generation.
The President who calls Christians, those who cling to their guns and Religion.
The President who would disarm the whole of America.
The President who sends the most advanced weapons
To Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Radicals,
And the arch enemy of Israel, ruled by Morsi who call Jews apes and pigs.
The President who tells Russia
That he will have more “flexibility” in his second term.
The President who tells Israel
That they should return to the indefensible boarders of the 1967 Treaty.
The President who will not use the term Terrorist to describe terrorists.
The President who will not acknowledge the threat of radical, Jihad, Islam.
The President who treats Islamic enemy combatants
As if they were US citizens.
The President who purposely sends thousands of guns
Into the hands of the Mexican Drug Lords
Though his Fast and Furious operation.
The President who calls the shooting at Fort Hood,
Done in the name of Allah Akbar, “work place violence;”
Who does not help those shot and maimed
But continues to pay the shooter his military pay.
The President who abandons those in the Consulate at Benghazi to die,
Without any attempt to save them;
So that his false narrative about the decline of Al-Qaeda is not proven false Before the 2012 Election.
Who falsely claims that this Terrorist Attack was inspired by a video;
Who continues to withhold the facts of his actions in this matter.
The President who illegally uses the force of government, the IRS,
To withhold Tax exempt Status from those who politically oppose him,
Before the 2012 Election, thereby weakening his opposition.
The President who will illegally obtained the phone records
Of Associated Press Reporters in a witch hunt
For a “supposed national security leak.”
The President who ascribes to the UN Arms Treaty
That grants the UN jurisdiction over the US citizens which is Unconstitutional.
The President who is a “Globalist;” who seeks One World Government,
The set-up for the Antichrist of Scripture.

I pray that those who have made a confession of Faith in Christ Jesus
Will not be deceived by Obama and his godlessness.
We, who know Christ Jesus, must oppose and expose his godlessness.
God has given us this democracy and we are responsible for it.
The only hope for America is REPENTANCE before the Living God.
America must stop its SIN against God or it is FINISHED.
America's FUTURE is in the hands of the Living God.
Those who defy Him, His Christ Jesus and His Word will be destroyed
As Scripture has clearly described.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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