Wednesday, March 6, 2013

President Barack Obama Is A Devil

President Barack Obama is a devil in the same sense
That Christ Jesus called Judas a devil. Listen:

'Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!' (John 6:70)

Judas was the one that Christ Jesus referred to as a devil;
The one who betrayed Him; the ultimate act of evil.
Judas was the betrayer of the Lord of Glory.
He betrayed Him with a “KISS.”
President Barack Obama is a betrayer of the Lord of Glory
Claiming to be a Christian, a follower of Christ, when he is a devil;
When he is a betrayer of Christ and all that He stands for, by his actions.

President Barack Obama is an Abortionist, Murderer!
On his hands is the blood of millions of babies.
He aborts babies at any stage of development.
His Healthcare Law expands abortion in America.
The blood on his hands has brought the curse of God upon him
And on all who support and follow him.

President Barack Obama is a defiler of Christians,
Demanding through his Contraception Mandate
That they violate their God given conscience and God's Word.
In so doing He has touched the Apple of God's Eye. (Zechariah 2:8)

President Barack Obama defies the Living God
When he says that he supports same sex marriage
Which is an abomination to God.

President Barack Obama defies the Living God
When he would require that Israel go back to the 1967 boarders
Which are impossible for them to defend, thereby cursing them.
God who has said of Israel:
I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse.
(Genesis 12:3)

President Barack Obama has made slaves of America's children.
He has spent America into oblivion,
Incurring a debt that will never be paid off.

President Barack Obama claims to be a Christian
But his actions show him to be a liar and a hypocrite; a betrayer of Christ.
Yet he masquerades as an angel of light like his father, Satan;
Like all those who support and follow him.

President Barack Obama is a mocker of God by his godless actions.
When he flippantly declares at the end of speeches: God bless America.
When he uses Scripture in his speeches
But defiles that same Scripture by his actions.
When he does these things he mocks God who cannot be mocked.
When he does this he brings the curse of God upon himself.
The actions of this president are diametrically opposed to God,
His Christ, Jesus, and His Word.

President Barack Obama is an Alinskyite 
For whom any means justifies their perverted END.

President Barack Obama said that he would “TRANSFORM” America.
Yes, he would transform it for sure;
He would transform it into the likeness of his father, Satan
Ensuring that America goes to Hell with him and his father.
After all, the objective of his father is to steal, kill and destroy.
That is really what this president is all about.

President Barack Obama talks about “VALUES.”
He is deceived, he has no values before the Living God.
God has established the only “VALUES” that exist by His Word.
Christ Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth and the only LIFE.
President Barack Obama is a betrayer of all that Christ Jesus stands for,
As are all who support and follow him.
President Barack Obama is anti-Christ;
Unless he REPENTS, he is on his way to The Lake of Fire,
That God created for Satan, along with all who support and follow him.

Today, having been given a second term by godless “Blue” America,
President Obama is working feverishly to make the Republicans look bad
So that the godless Democrats can regain the House of Representatives
Making Him a virtual dictator.
Then he would be able to “Transform” America
To his idea of a Socialist Paradise, which would mean the ruin of America.
If he accomplishes this
It will be because a godless Electorate has given him PERMISSION
And that America has turned hopelessly godless,
Bent on going to a godless ruin.

This is a life and death struggle for America and is not political.
This struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers,
Against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world
And against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
(Ephesians 6:10-11)
These are the spiritual forces that rule Obama and the Democrats;
These are the spiritual forces that give them their marching orders.
Their objective is to steal, kill and destroy like their ruler Satan,
All the while masquerading as angels of light.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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