Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The State Of The Union 2013: Bankrupt

Last night the President of the United State of America
Gave his State of the Union address.
If he had been honest he would have declared America Bankrupt,
Morally and financially.
The President himself is morally Bankrupt as witnessed by his actions.
He is in direct defiance of the Living God as is the party he leads;
The Democrats and the “Blue” America they dominate.
He spends almost twice what the government takes in;
Spending America into slavery, compiling a debt that will never be paid,
Making slaves out of every American and all future generations.
He murders more than 3,000 unborn every day;
He defies the Word of God by his actions,
Pretending that the homosexual lifestyle is an acceptable way of life.
He forces by law, Christians to pay for Health Insurance
That is against their conscience.
He is responsible for the endless printing of worthless money
That is in effect stealing from every American.
He is leading America to complete ruin.
He finishes his address with his “God bless America”
Which makes a mockery of God, Who cannot be mocked.

America has prospered in the past for one reason and one reason alone:
Because of those in America who honored God.
Now virtually every aspect of America is in defiance of the Living God;
America is morally Bankrupt.
The hand of God's blessing has been removed from America.
America's wickedness punishes her; she is being ground to powder.
Mass murder is becoming her hallmark.
Her Government is corrupt; her Justice System is corrupt;
Her Media is corrupt; Most of her institutions are corrupt.
A large part of the Church of God is corrupt; Apostate;
Her people are corrupt, with more than half believing the LIE
Of her corrupt politicians and the Apostate Church .
She has made an IDOL of the Hollywood Whore
As well as innumerable other people, places and things.
She is a spiritual adulterer before the Living God.

She will not prosper again
Because only God brings prosperity to a people who honor Him.
She is militarily defenseless because God will no longer defend her
In her adulterous state; in her defiance of Him,
His Christ Jesus and His Word.
Soon, because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold.
This is the real State of the Union in 2013.
Unless America REPENTS she is finished as a nation.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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