Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Religion Of Secular Humanism

The reality of this life is that everything that takes place
Has spiritual implications; there is nothing that is neutral.
Why is this? Because this life is a battle for the souls of men.
ALL of humanity is hopeless, helpless and condemned
Apart from Christ Jesus.
ALL of humanity belongs to the kingdom of Satan,
Unless they are Born Again; Born of God by His Holy Spirit.

Satan came to steal from, kill and destroy
As much of humanity as he can,
Whereas, Christ Jesus came to save ALL who will put their Faith,
Hope and Trust in Him.
Therefore, in reality there are only two religions, or ways of life:
Faith in Christ, or Faith in the false religions Satan puts forth
Or faith in what people think is the absence of religion,
Which is just as much a religion as those identified as such.

Secular Humanism is the religion
Of what people think is the the absence of religion.
However, it is as much of a religion, a way of life, as any other.
Its tenants are just as rigorous as any other religion.
This religion puts its faith, hope and trust in mankind.
In this religion there are no absolute values,
The values change according to the whims of men and circumstance.
The high priest of this religion is Satan.
The sordid history of mankind speaks of the disaster of this religion
And all the other false religions in the world.
All religions except Faith in Christ Jesus, have one puppet master, Satan.
In the End, this religion takes mankind to the point of self-destruction,
Which would be accomplished if Christ Jesus did not shorten those End Days.
(Matthew 24:22)

The religion of Secular Humanism bows down to the Altar of:
Anti-Christ Education, Science, Technology, Intellect, the Arts;
Everything man made; the modern version of the Tower of Babel.
Their motivation: The lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification],
And the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind]
And the pride of life [assurance in one's own resources
Or in the stability of earthly things]. (1 John 2:16 AMP)
These people have innumerable IDOLS of people, places and things.
As with all the other false religions, they are merely puppets of Satan.

The Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, Communists,
Along with those who fake a faith in Christ Jesus are Secular Humanists.
The unifying aspect of the Secular Humanists and all the false religions
Is that they are anti-Christ, as Satan is anti-Chrsit.

Ironically, in the End, they all worship one “god,” the Beast of Revelation;
The son of Satan, the Antichrist and receive his “mark,”
Condemning themselves to Hell;
To The Lake of Fire prepared by God for Satan and his fallen angels.
Currently all the nations, all the false religions,
Are being punished by their wickedness and rebellion
Against God and His Christ Jesus.
When their consternation reaches the boiling point
Satan will present his son, The Beast of Revelation
Who will have the answer to their problem.
He will offer humanity his “mark,”
That will become the new currency of the world.
He will do away with all indebtedness; it will be Satan's Jubilee.
The price: Eternal Death.

Before unbelieving humanity
And their religion of Secular Humanism makes this final decision,
God sends two angels to warn them:
One angel warns them to worship God alone,
And the other warns them not to receive the “mark” of the Beast.
(Revelation 14:6-12)

This is God's hour of Trial that is going to come upon the whole world
To TEST those who live on the earth. (Revelation 3:10)
It will bring the religion of Secular Humanism to nothing.

The coming of the Beast of Revelation is God's Great Delusion.
He will come in accordance with the work of Satan
Displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders,
And in every sort of EVIL that deceives those who are perishing.
They perish because they REFUSE to love the TRUTH and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a Powerful Delusion
So that they will believe the LIE
And so that ALL will be condemned who have not believed the TRUTH
But have delighted in wickedness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Christ Jesus warned us:
For false Christs and False Prophets will appear
And perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the ELECT--
If that were possible. See I have told you ahead of time. (Matthew 24:24-25)

Much of the Church of God has come to believe
That they can be friends with the world and belong to God at the same time.
This is a TRAGIC mistake. To these the apostle James speaks:
You adulterous people,
Don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God?
Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
(James 4:4)

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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