Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Real Killer!

Where does God place the responsibility
For ALL who have been slain upon the earth.
Listen to Christ Jesus speaking of Babylon:

And never again shall the light of a lamp shine in you,
The voice of bridegroom and bride shall never be heard in you again;
For your businessmen were the great and prominent men of the earth,
And by your magic spells and poisonous charm
ALL nations were led astray--seduced and deluded.

And in her [Babylon] was found the blood of prophets and of saints,

And of ALL those who have been slain (slaughtered) on earth.
[Jeremiah 51:49] (Revelation 18:23-24 AMP)

Babylon, the bride of Satan,
Is responsible ALL who have been slain upon the earth.
The spirit of Babylon is the ruling spirit of every city in the world;
Every kingdom of this world, including America.
She is the agent that Satan uses to steal, kill and destroy.
Because Satan rules through her; Satan could say to Christ Jesus
That he would give ALL the kingdoms of the world to Him
If he would worship Satan. (Matthew 4:8-9)

ALL the kingdoms of this world are in reality ONE kingdom,
The kingdom of Satan.
This becomes obvious when the whole world worships the BEAST,
The son of Satan.

Babylon is to Satan as the Bride of Christ is to Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus says of His Bride:
As the Father sent Me so I send you. (Matthew 17:18)

It is no coincidence that godlessness emanates from the cities of America
And from the government of America.
They belong to Satan; he rules over them, and through them
Because they have rejected God, His Christ Jesus and His Word.

For although they knew God,
They neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him,
But their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Although they claimed to be wise,
They became fools and exchanged the Glory of the Immortal God
For images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts
To sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
They exchanged the TRUTH of God for a LIE,
And worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--
Who is forever praised. Amen. (Romans1:21-25)

God has given America over to the sinful desires of her heart
And Satan has stepped through that open door and now has full reign in America.
America is now defenseless before the Evil One.
God Almighty is the only person who can stop Satan's EVIL
And America has rejected Him, His Christ Jesus and His Word.
America could REPENT, and God would once again protect her,
But she is too proud, too arrogant and steeped in her UNBELIEF!
How can America REPENT when she spits in the face of God?

Now wickedness will proliferate in America until she is ground to powered.
America had only two choices, the same two choices placed before every nation;
The same two choices placed before every person:
She could fall upon the ROCK [Christ] and be broken in REPENTANCE
Or to have the ROCK [Christ] fall upon her and be broken to pieces.
America has chosen, and the ROCK has fallen upon her,
And she is being broken to pieces; ground to powder.

Today, Evil, has no limits in America;
Nothing that happens in America should now be surprising.
The arrogance and EVIL of the godless in America,
Under the deception of Satan now has no limits.
When God gives a nation over to the sinful desires of it heart, it rushes to its ruin,
As did Germany under Hitler. That is where America is headed.

Satan is a Tyrant who wants complete and total control.
This is what he obtains through his son, the BEAST as Scripture records.
The godless in America want to satisfy the desires of their father;
They want complete, godless control.
This march toward complete, godless control is well advanced.
Everything you see the godless do will be toward that end.
The godless include the President, the Democrat Party 
and all who follow them;
All the Public Employee Unions, Federal and State.
Most of the Congress; Most of the Judiciary; The Media, Hollywood,
Government patronizing business, and on and on.

Much of the FAITHLESS Church stands by dumbfounded.
Because they do not believe the Word of God.
They will remain dumbfounded until they are required to deny Christ,
And to receive the “mark” of the BEAST. Then reality will be unavoidable.
Many in the Church of God have already denied the FAITH
And have gone into apostasy.
As the STATE becomes increasingly more oppressive
Toward the Church, those who deny the FAITH, will increase.

The righteous in America will fight the good fight of FAITH.
They will up-hold the banner of Christ; they will be His witnesses;
They will call the nation to REPENTANCE.
But they have already called the America to REPENTANCE
And she has turned a deaf ear. America is deaf and cannot hear.
America is blind and cannot see;
The godless are blind and are leading the blind
And they have fallen into the ditch of their godlessness
As Scripture has foretold; The same Scripture America holds in contempt.

In the END the godless come to NOTHING, as Scripture foretells!
Christ returns and does away with the kingdom of this world,
The kingdom of Satan.
The BEAST and all who followed him go to the Lake of Fire; to Hell!

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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