Thursday, December 13, 2012

America In Defiance Of God

Today, we have America in defiance of God Almighty.
We have approximately half of America; “Blue America;”
Godless, of the spirit of Babylon, ruled by Satan,
And in pursuit of ever increasing godlessness.

The President is a godless man, leading a godless Democrat Party,
Secular Progressives, Secular Humanists, Socialists
And assorted other godless persons and entities,
Bent on “Transforming” America into a godless Socialist Utopia.
A concept doomed to failure because it is against God Almighty.

The President has an army of godless Czars who are behind the scenes
Producing an avalanche of regulations, without the consent of Congress,
That in the next four years, will control every aspect of America life.
The President without the consent of congress,
In defiance of the Constitution, will “Executive Order” America to death.

The “Transforming Agenda” is to gain complete control
Of every aspect of American life.
Complete control of the public and private sectors.
It is bent on creating a godless, Fascist State,
With complete control by the government
With the pretext of “free enterprise,” which defines a Fascist State.
There is still private ownership but complete government control.

Blue America” already controls the following:
The Public Education System, from per-school through University;
The Executive Branch, the Senate, the Judiciary System, the Military,
The CIA, the FBI, Home Land Security;
Virtually all Public Employees, Federal and State,
Including Federal and State Public Officials, Police, Fire Fighters and Teachers.
Much of Financial and Corporate America;
Most of the Media and virtually all of the Entertainment Industry.
This constitutes enormous, if not complete control of America.
These people constitute the equivalent of Hitler's Nazis.
The recent Labor Union conflicts give you a taste of their Nazi like behavior.
A Labor Union Leader recently said America was headed for a new “Civil War.”
The recent Occupy Wall Street demonstrations were Nazi like.
One Democrat said recently that blood will flow.

Much of what is called the Church of God has capitulated
To the godless agenda of “Blue America.”
This has always happened to the Church of God under similar circumstances,
It mirrors what happened to the Church of God in Germany under Hitler;
Most of the Church of God capitulated to Hitler and his Nazis.
Those who stood against Hitler were sent to prison, killed or both.
Those who stand for Christ are the only opposition to the godless.
They are the only ones who tell the godless that what they do is EVIL,
And they are hated by the godless for this.

America's Debt has rendered it Bankrupt.
I borrows almost half of what it spends
It has made slaves out of every American and especially the young.
And there is no end in sight; And there will be no end.
This godless Administration and its functionaries
Will take America into the abyss.
They cannot stop spending because their constituencies,
Those who elected them, have ever increasing demands.
They will spread America's wealth until it is completely SPENT
And every American is in poverty.

The Spiritual Poverty of America has produced this situation.
America's spiritual poverty has given Satan control;
Satan, who came to steal, kill and destroy;
Who has had 2,000 years of practice.
The godless are as arrogant as he is; as in defiance of God as he is.
It all leads to the final episode of human history
As clearly detailed in the Word of God.
The Word of God will be fulfilled down to the last detail.

Yet, God has given every person a choice to believe Him or Satan.
God has presented to mankind His Christ Jesus,
The only Savior for a world dead in it's SIN, and every person chooses.
No one can avoid this choice; Not to choose is to choose.

The righteous will stand for Christ Jesus and His Word.
They will never give in to this Satan inspired godlessness.
Christ Jesus will have a Bride out of those of this generation,
As He has obtained a Bride from every previous generation;
ALL those who by FAITH, who have gone before us,
Comprise a Great Cloud of Witnesses.
They made it to the Hallelujah side and so will we,
By the power of Christ living in us;
Christ Jesus Who is INFINITELY more powerful than Satan.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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