Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christian America, Open Your Eyes!

Today, we watch as America and the nations of the world
Give themselves over to the to the spirit of Babylon;
The same spirit that has caused them to spend themselves into oblivion.
When they get to the end of their rope;
When they have borrowed all they can borrow,
And spent all they can spend, they will cry out for a “savior,”
And Satan will gladly, provide their request.

Remember Satan's goal: To get everyone to worship him,
As this supreme act of defiance toward God, condemns all who do so to Hell!

Here in America, Barack Obama is simply the latest in a long list of
Satan groomed, godless, demoniacally inspired,
Anti-Christ, charismatic leaders
Who captivates his godless, swooning followers with soaring, empty rhetoric.
All of them masquerading as angels of light.
Satan will use this man to bring America to her knees,
As Satan is bringing the godless world to its knees,
So that he can present to the world his son, the Antichrist, their “savior.”
Today, many of his deluded followers see Barack Obama as their “savior.”
Hitler was a “savior” to many in Germany.

Christian America, open your eyes!
The re-elected President of the United States of America is
Abortionist in chief, with hands bloodied,
With the murder of the innocent unborn;
With God's curse upon him because of it.
Author in Chief of a Health Care Act
With a primary objective of the murdering babies.
Do you really think he will stop with the unborn?
Disdainer in chief of the Word of God;
Malinger in chief of Christian conscience;
Forcing Christians, by Law, to buy that which is against their faith.
Proponent in chief of clean energy with a filthy soul.
Proponent in chief of ecology but steeped in SIN.
Propagator in chief of a shadow government of godless Czars
Accountable to no one but him.
Propagator in chief of endless regulations, by presidential edict,
That will hamstring every aspect of America, giving him complete control.
And that is his hidden, Satanic objective, complete control.
The commander in Chief is a Student of Saul Alinsky
For whom any means justifies his perverted end.

Who behaves like Nazis in America?
The Public Employee Unions and their surrogates,
Putting their self-interest above all.
Ironically, this includes the police.
Are they not potentially President Obam's Gestapo?

What is the godless regimes Nazis like youth component:
Occupy Wall Street, godless, arrogant, anti-America, destructive.
Any means justifies their end: complete control.

Who is the regimes minster of brain washing?
The American Public Education System; godless and arrogant.
Brain washing nearly all of America's children, youth and young adults.
The godless have spent decades putting this brainwashing machine in place.

Think of it, all of this is already in place.

The tactics of the godless are always the same: Demonize and destroy.
It is ironic that those demon possessed, demonize;
Demonize everything that stands for God;
Demonize the righteous who stand for God.
Call what is good, evil, and what is evil, good.
Destroy every God given foundation, maligning the Word of God.
When the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?

The only entity that stands in the way of the godless and Satan
Is the TRUE Church of God.
God uses the godless are to test the faith of His Church.
In Germany, a debauched Church, failed the test with a few exceptions;
The few who had found the NARROW Way of Christ Jesus.
Most of the Church capitulated to Hitler and his perversions;
A lukewarm, cheap grace Church, capitulated to Hitler;
A Church that put “Germany” before God!.

The godless must crucify Christ afresh;
They must get Him out of the way.
Those pastors and others who resisted Hitler were put in prison or killed.
Just as the Jews sought to rid themselves of Christ Jesus.
They must get God out of the way to have their own way.
At the crucifixion of Christ the Jews said,
Let his blood be upon our heads and our children's heads,
As so it has been for 2,000 years; their house left desolate!

TRUE followers of Christ are the only opposition to the godless.
God has to go! Christians must go!
The godless in America have worked diligently for decades
To remove God from American culture,
And they have succeed in America's Babylonian cities.
It is a way the seems right to them but will end in their Eternal Death.

The irony is, like Hitler's Germany,
The godless are ultimately self-destructive, as Satan is self-destructive.
Ultimately their end is brought forth by the hand of God,
As it has with all the preceding godless cultures.
Satan and the godless can do nothing outside of God's control.
They are doomed before they start.
I pray that all who read this will stand for God, His Christ, Jesus and His Word
And will find the Eternal LIFE Christ promised to the faithful.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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