Thursday, November 15, 2012

America's Collision Course With God!

America is on a collision course with God Almighty.
Who do you think will prevail?
America has disobeyed God's Laws and violated His Everlasting Covenant.
It is therefore being consumed by the curse of God. (Isaiah 24)
America will learn that it is God alone who brings prosperity,
And He only brings it to a people who honor Him.

This re-elected, godless President is fond of saying,
Elections have Consequences,” and he and the godless ones who elected him
Are about to learn the harsh reality of that statement.

This godless President and those who support him are ruled
By by the rulers, authorities and powers of this dark world
And the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms [Ephesians 6:12],
Who are here to steal, kill and destroy as much of humanity as they can.

The President and his administration cannot stop spending
Because in doing so they would loose their godless constituency;
A constituency looking “FORWARD” to a godless UTOPIA,
Promised by their godless “savior,” President
And his and their perverted ideology.

Because of this dilemma, nothing will be done about the US debt;
The ever increasing debt; The endless printing of worthless money
Will continue and ultimately swamp the US economy leaving most destitute.
The fight between the “Blue” and “Red” constituencies
Will continue until America is broken.
Yes, Elections have Consequences.

There is no more United States of America, one nation under God.
Blue” America is a people who spit in God' face,
And “Red” America will fight “Blue” America to the death;
Some for the right reasons and some not.

America was founded because a ruthless king oppressed them.
Today, “Blue” America has elected a ruthless President,
Bent on TRANSFORMING America in to his godless, perverted image,
Issuing his endless regulations, perpetrated by his godless Czars;
Hoping to achieve absolute control of every aspect of America;
An Alinskyite, for whom any means justifies his evil end;
Masquerading as an angel of light.

The Civil War was a great judgment on America by God Almighty
Because of the insistence of the godless on maintaining Slavery;
With many who claimed the name of Christ in their ranks;
Even their preachers, conforming to their culture, participated in is heresy.

Today, the issue is not slavery
It is the honoring of God, His Christ, Jesus and His Word, or not,
As reflected in the Laws of the Land as well as the disposition of the people;
It is maintaining the God given foundations of America or not.

The “Blue” people insist on dishonoring God,
His Christ, Jesus and His Word,
With many who claim the name of Christ in their ranks.
In their deception, ignorance and arrogance they will go their own way;
They will do what is right in their own eyes, the end thereof is death
As the Word of God plainly states.

Many in the America Church stand by
And will not warn America of its impending doom.
They forget the God of the Old Testament
Pretending that they are too modern for such a God.
They ignore the Revelation of Christ Jesus given to the apostle John.
They do so to their eternal harm.
They will go the way of the German Church in the day of Hitler,
Acquiescing to this godless man and his Nazis.

And what happened to these German apostates who did nothing?
They witnessed the total destruction of Germany.
Nevertheless, many in America
Will confront this evil President and his supporters
With everything that is within them.

Let “Red” stand for the blood of Christ;
Christ who ultimately prevails.
Christ who is coming soon to do away with the kingdom of this world,
And set up His Kingdom in Jerusalem, on Mount Zion forever.
Blue” stands for Babylon, the Mother of Prostitutes
And of the abominations of the earth,
Who is finally destroyed by God Almighty.

In America, we were given by God, the right to vote
And the right to protest against ruthless, godless men and women.
If we do not stand for Christ in this hour, we do not belong to Him.
It is certain, that if all those who profess to be Christian
Had voted against this godless, ruthless President,
He would not have been elected.
Unless these people REPENT, this SIN will go with them to their graves.
They will remain part of the great Apostasy/Rebellion; the Falling Away,
The Word of God speaks of in these Last Days.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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