Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Single Direction Of Evil!

Evil has but one perpetrator, Satan and his demonic hoard.
It has a single objective, to steal, kill and destroy!
It has a single direction: ever increasing evil!
Satan is the embodiment of evil
God has given Satan a specific amount of time to exist,
Then he will go to the Lake of Fire along with all who follow him.

Since the “fall” of Adam and Eve Satan has free reign with all of humanity,
Except for those who put their faith, hope and trust in God
And His Christ, Jesus.
Today, therefore, evil has virtual free reign in this world.
Evil got so bad in the days of Noah that all but eight were extinguished.
The iniquity of mankind became full,
Beyond repentance, and was terminated by God.

Unredeemed mankind always goes in a single direction,
Ever increasing evil.
They are deceived and in their fallen state of being,
Hopeless, helpless and condemned before the Living God.
They are simply pawns and puppets in the hands of a supernatural devil,
Who manipulates mankind according to his evil intentions.

Christ Jesus is the only person who stands in Satan's way.
Without Christ Jesus mankind would remain
Hopeless, helpless and condemned.
Every living person belongs either to Christ Jesus or to Satan.
Only those who put their faith, hope and trust in Christ Jesus
Escape the Lake of Fire.

President Barack Obama is a devil
Intent on fulfilling his father, Satan's desires just as was Judas.
He is deceived, prideful and arrogant and on his way to Hell
Unless he repents.
The whole Democratic Party is in the same condition
And all who support them; they are all anti-Christ.
These evil people are in influential positions throughout America.
Masquerading as angels of light.
Some of them claim the name of Christ but they are liars.
Their actions speak for them; their lying words are meaningless.
They spurn God's Word, that He puts above His name.
Unless they repent they will all go to Hell!

Christ Jesus said to the religious leaders of His day,
Who refused to receive Him as the Christ of God,
Your house is left to you desolate.” (Luke 13:35)
Likewise, America, who has forsaken it's heritage in God;
For Secular Humanist Soup; will find it's house left desolate.
Christ Jesus said:
If you do not believe that I AM the One I claim to be,
You will die in your sins.” (John 8:24)

Further, unless those who claim the name of Christ,
Come out of the mind set and heart set of the Secular Humanists;
Unless they come out of Babylon,
They too, will find their house left to them desolate.
Today, Apostasy in the Church of God is well advanced.

The Church of God is about to learn a bitter lesson,
It cannot CO-EXIST with evil!
You cannot pet a venomous snake, and not be bitten!
And it has bitten!

The ancients gave their children over to Molech to be burned.
America has given it's children over to the Public Education System
To be inculcated with Secular Humanist lies!
The result is the same, death!
However, in the case of America, worse,
Because the death of it's children is not simply physical death
But spiritual death; Eternal Death!

President Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, the Secular Humanists,
The Progressives, the Alinskyites the Socialists, the Communists
And all the other anti-Christs in America are leading America to Hell!
They are infected with the spirit of Babylon, the Mother of Prostitutes
And of the Abominations of the earth.

This is the same spirit that deceived and deluded Hitler and Germany;
It lead Germany, Europe and the world to a hellish nightmare.
It is the same spirit behind all the depots of history.
It is the spirit of Satan; It is anti-Christ;
It only goes in a single direction, ever increasing evil and finally, Hell!
It is the spirit that has taken hold of America!

America worships the “god” of prosperity;
But refuses to worship and honor the God who ALONE grants prosperity.
She will sell her soul to anyone who promises prosperity.
That mind set alone condemns her before the Living God.
Barack Obama promises prosperity but he is a liar!
He has already made slaves of America's children.
He has compiled a debt that will never be paid off!
REPENT America! Throw yourself on the mercy of God's Christ, Jesus
Or you will PERISH!

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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