Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Coming Holocaust!

The greatest holocaust the world has experienced lies immediately ahead.
This is the holocaust perpetrated by the son of Satan,
The Beast, the Antichrist.
Once most of humanity has received his “mark” and are worshiping him,
He must exterminate those who refuse his “mark” and refuse to worship him.

At that time, the “Woman” of Revelation 12,
Will be taken into the desert by God,
Where She will be protected for the duration of The Great Tribulation.
The Holy Spirit of God will be taken out of the world;
Satan and his Beast have full reign over humanity on earth.
God's Great Delusion; Satan's lying signs and wonders;
Will have deceived all who refuse to love the TRUTH
And be saved; All those who delighted in wickedness;
They will be propelled into the arms of the Beast,
And will received his “mark” and worship him, damning themselves to Hell!

Then, Satan must eliminate all who refuse his “mark”
And refuse to worship him.
Then, the greatest holocaust the world has seen will commence.
Today, there are approximately 7 billion people on the earth.
Of those, approximately 2 billion are called Christians.

If we take Christ Jesus' parable of The Ten Virgins as instructive,
Approximately one-half of those who name the name of Christ Jesus
Are not prepared to meet Him, the Bridegroom, when He comes.
Christ Jesus also tells us that one will be taken and one will remain.
One could conclude from this that approximately one-half
Of those who are called Christians will go through The Great Tribulation.
That is approximately a billion people.
Hitler exterminated approximately 6 million Jews during his reign of terror.
If the Beast kills a billion people,
That will be sixteen times those killed by Hitler.

This holocaust, this murdering, goes on for three and one-half years.
It takes time to individually kill that many people.

The three and one-half year reign of the Beast will reveal the reality
That there are only two types of people on this earth.
Those who love God and His Christ, Jesus
With all their heart, soul, mind and strength;
Those who are water washed, blood washed, filled with the Holy Spirit
And walking in the Light of Christ, and those who are not.

Today, as in every past generation, there are only those two types of people,
Those who love God and those who hate Him.
All the false regions of the world will submit to the Beast.
Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and every religion that can be named;
All the agnostics and atheists;
They will all be be amalgamated into worshipers of the Beast.

The abortionists, those who murder in the womb,
Will be ONE with the Beast.
These people are followers of Satan; deceived by the Deceiver,
The LIAR and the father of lies.
They are rebelling against God and His Christ, Jesus just as Satan did.
They are saying just as Satan did:

I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
On the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:13-4)

For three and one-half years God allows the God haters to rule.
Then Christ Jesus returns and puts and end to them, FOREVER!

It is a grisly three and one-half years
Because as soon as the Beast kills the first Christian
God begins His Great Tribulation.
God's two Prophets in Jerusalem begin calling down all the judgments of God,
Recorded in Scripture, just as Moses did before Pharaoh in Egypt.
At the end of the three and one-half years the earth is ruined
Just as Egypt was ruined in the day of Moses.

Today, why is there this great social, religious battle in America?
It is the warm-up for the final great battle;
Every person is taking a side, for or against God
It is good against evil as it has always been, this is simply the conclusion.
Remember only God is good!

Today, Satan and his disciples masquerade as angels of light,
But they are wicked, evil and rushing to Hell!
Satan has pushed the godless nations, including America
Into an economic corner.
Soon, there will no way out for them except to accept Satan's terms.
Since the worlds leaders are ignorant of God and His Word
And since they are deceived, they will capitulate to Satan.
God's Great Delusion and Satan's lying sings and wonders
Will convince the godless that they must receive the “mark” of the Beast
And worship him.

Remember this Great Delusion will be so convincing
As to deceive even God's Elect, if that were possible.
Christians who have lost their first love for Christ
And those who are lukewarm, will be swept away
With the rest of God hating humanity, into the arms of the Beast.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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