Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Satan Rules This World!

The “ruler” of this world is the “god” of this age, Satan;
Who has blinded the minds of unbelievers
So that they cannot see the Light of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ
Who is the Image of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Satan has ruled the world since the “fall” of Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve gave up the ruler-ship God had given them, to Satan,
When they were deceived by Satan and disobeyed God.

Think of it, virtually none of the men that we know of as kings and dictators
Or any other historical rulers we know of has actually ruled anything.
This includes the Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great,
The Caesars, Napoleon, Hitler, and on and on.
They were simply puppets of the real ruler, Satan.
Satan said to Christ Jesus,
That he could give Christ Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. (Matthew 4:8)
And Christ Jesus did not dispute that he could!

Today, Satan gives national ruler-ship to those fully given over to him.
That is why the world is in the mess you see all around you.
Satan is having a field day with a blinded humanity.
He came to steal, kill and destroy and he is good at it!

The only world leaders who are not ruled by Satan
Submit themselves to God and His Christ, Jesus
And make an overt public confession of their faith in Christ;
And obviously follow Christ in all they do; King David was such a man;
George Washington was such a man.

Today, the President of the United States of America is not in power;
Because he is not “ruled” by Christ Jesus, he is ruled by Satan.
He claims to be a Christian but his actions speak louder than his words.
He cannot be a Christian and do what he does; it is that simple.

In America the Secular Humanists,
Who belong to the religion of the damned,
Scream, when “faith” in Christ is mentioned; And so they should!
It offends their debauched ears and the lives they live.
When you live for Satan, you hate Christ Jesus,
Because Christ Jesus tells you, that the way you live is EVIL!
Overt displays of hatred of Christ Jesus have grown for sometime in America.
America has become the land of those who are salves to SIN
And the home of COWARDS.

Today, every person is either ruled by Christ Jesus or by Satan.
There is nothing in between.
Today, as in all of history, virtually every world leader is ruled by Satan.
I am not aware of a single world leader who belongs to Christ!

The world would go on like it has,
Except God has imposed a “Time” limit;
Six thousand years! That's it! That is all the “Time” Satan gets.
Then his ruler-ship is over! Period!

At the end of “Time,” God will have achieved His objective.
He will have, by the power of His Holy Spirit,
Obtained a Bride for His Son Christ Jesus.
Members of His Bride come from every generation; every nation.
They were purchase out of this world by the blood of Christ Jesus.
They were Born Again, re-born by the Spirit of God.
And submitted themselves to the ruler-ship of Christ, shunning the world.
They lived as strangers and aliens in this “fallen” world, hating its EVIL.
Their souls protected by the mighty hand of God.
They sought the Kingdom of God above all else, and found it;
Christ lived in and through them, their hope of Glory.
They are the called, chosen and faithful!

Satan will also have achieved his objective;
He will have caused most of humanity to go to Hell, the Lake of FIRE.
The only problem for him is, that he also goes there; to Eternal Death.

Up till now, Satan has hidden himself, masquerading as an angel of light.
Today, however, he is coming out of his closet so to speak.
He is working up to the day he can present to the world his son,
The Beast of Revelation, The Antichrist;
That will be his glory day! The day of his coronation!
The whole world will crown him as their king!

Interestingly, it is simultaneously, the Great Delusion God sends
To those who REFUSE to love the TRUTH and so be saved;
To those who have not believed the TRUTH but have delighted in wickedness.
(2 Thessalonians 3:10-12)
The whole world is rushing toward that day! The day of the damned!
Like the story of the lemmings rushing, head long, off the cliff!

That day, the day the son of Satan is revealed,
Will simply be an overt acknowledgment of what already is a reality today:
The whole world is ruled by Satan!
The godless will gnash their teeth over this being proclaimed.
The TRUTH reveals them as they are:
Wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked,
As are all who have not embraced Christ Jesus;
Who are not walking in His Light.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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