Thursday, August 2, 2012

Another Step Toward Dictatorship!

As America gets increasingly more godless,
Satan and his godless cohorts get increasingly more bold.
Yesterday, the pawns of Satan, the President and the Democratic Party
Put into effect their Federal Contraception Mandate.
It demands that Catholics and other Christian organizations
Provide all manner of contraception, for their employees,
Including the abortion pill,
In spite of the fact that this is against their faith in Christ Jesus.

Realize that all of Satan's actions will be against Christ Jesus;
It is Christ Jesus and those who belong to Christ he wants to malign.
Every action of Satan and his pawns
Will be to bring into being his dictatorship, his Antichrist, the Beast.
This will cause the godless to worship Satan and his son the Antichrist.
Their worship of the Antichrist, will be the ULTIMATE sin against Christ Jesus,
Damning them to Hell!

Remember that the Obama Healthcare Mandate was passed
Using a method called, RECONCILIATION, a method never intended
To be used to pass such a law, not to mention the other underhanded deals
That were also employed by the President and the Democrats.

Great Civil Unrest Is Just Around The Corner
The political battles we are witnessing in the Congress
Between the political parties, has brought the government to a stalemate.
Nothing is being done about the nation's spending
Almost twice what it takes in. This consternation will be ever increasing,
Because there is no painless way out of the predicament.
Godless politicians are loathed to present to their constituents
A plan that involves pain and self-sacrifice.
As it stands now, America's children are slaves to the debt,
Their parents have incurred.

I have said before and say again: God will not bless a godless America!
America will learn that it is the hand of God alone that brings prosperity.

The politicians are hoping for a revival of the US economy;
That is their only hope!
However, God will not bless a nation that is spitting in His face.
The spitting will continue until America is brought to its knees.
This will cause great civil unrest and bring a government crackdown;
Martial law; The government knows this, and is preparing for it at this time.
They can see what is happening in Europe.
As the situation worsens the godless will demand a DICTATOR!
At that point, a godless, self-indulgent America will do ANYTHING
To regain some semblance of prosperity.
This is all in Satan's plan; it is a simple plan but will prove very effective.
God allows this because the godless refuse to love the TRUTH, Christ,
And so be saved, but have delighted in their wickedness (2 Thessalonians 2)

Mankind Is Hopeless Without Christ Jesus
Realize that all of human history is the record of the hopelessness of mankind Without Christ Jesus.
That is why God sent His Son, Christ Jesus;
That whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal LIFE.
(John 3:16)

Whoever does not believe in Christ Jesus stands condemned already,
Because he has not believed in the Name of God's One and only Son.
(John 3:16)

The godless are deceived and damned even if they claim the Name of Christ!
Those who belong to Christ revere Him and His Word;
Even the demons believe, but they do not love and obey Christ!
Jesus said that if you love Him, you will obey His commands.
That is the test, OBEDIENCE to His commands.

An Hour Of Trial Is Coming Upon The Earth
There is an hour of trial coming upon the whole world
To test those who live on the earth.
Christ Jesus says to those who belong to Him:
I am coming soon!
Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.
(Revelation 3:10-11)

The Word of God describes this trial in detail.
The whole world receives the wages of their sin against God!
Most of mankind go with Satan to the Hell prepared for him by God;
The Lake Of Fire!

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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