Monday, July 9, 2012

When Patriotism Becomes Idolatry

The Webster's Dictionary defines patriotism as love or devotion
To one's country.

In America we have come to understand patriotism as a good thing,
And it was a good thing as long as most of America feared and loved God;
As long as the government honored God
And did not by its laws and actions malign God.
Today, however, the American government spits in God's face
By its laws and actions.
America rebels against God in virtually everything she does.
All of her institutions rebel against God: Her Government,
Her Justice System, her Education System, Her Christian Churches,
Her society at large.
If we are patriotic, what do we love and what are we devoted to in America?
Do we love and are we devoted to America's rebellion against God?
Patriotism toward a rebellious, godless nations is idolatry!
On cannot love Christ and be an idolater.
Patriotism for Hitler's Germany was against God.

Because of its rebellion toward God,
The USA is headed for extreme economic hardship.
There is no easy way out of it and the politicians are loathed to tell the truth.
The USA can not go on forever spending almost twice what it makes,
Incurring ever increasing debt,
The interest on the debt alone, could soon swallow the whole economy.
Imagine your household spending twice what you make.
How long could this go on?
The government has gone way to far already.
The government's response to its situation
Is to print even more worthless money, which devalues all US money.
By so doing they in effect create a dishonest scale which the Lord hates.

Today, the government of the USA is by its actions and laws
Is godless and raging against God.
Therefore, God has withdrawn His blessing from the USA.
Because God has withdrawn His blessing
There is no way out of her economic dilemma.

How are you going to deal with this reality as a Christian,
As a follower of Christ.
When the USA is in chaos and anarchy and clamoring for a dictator
To solve their insolvable problems, what will you do?
What will you do when Satan presents his son, The Beast as a “false savior?”
The government of the USA will say
That receiving the Beast's “mark” is your “patriotic duty.”
They will say it is the only way out of the USA's economic dilemma.
What will you do when you are faced with this decision?
Most of your neighbors, relatives and friends
Will encourage you to receive the “mark” and be a “patriot.”
If you do not you will be labeled a “traitor.”
You will be killed if you do not; You will go to Hell if you do!

The Beast will come with impressive credentials;
He will appear to have been killed but come live again;
He will be apparently raised from the dead, mimicking Christ Jesus.
The Beast's False Prophet will perform false signs and wonders
That will deceive most people; they will say the Beast is god
And must be worshiped. What will you do?
The people will say who can make war against the Beast?

At that time, the fact that the world is ruled by Satan will be unmistakable.
The fact that most people receive his Beast as their “savior”
Will be unmistakable.
Today, everyone who does not belong to Christ Jesus, belongs to Satan.
This is what Christ Jesus Himself taught.
Christ Jesus said that anyone who loves anyone more than Him
Could not be His disciple. Are you His disciple?
If you are not His disciple you are among the godless.

Do you love America in the face of the fact
That it is in overt rebellion against God?
If you do, you are an idolater, and will go the way of all idolaters.
America's rebellion against God has put a curse on it.
All who love that which is cursed by God, will themselves be cursed.
I pray that all who read this message are not idolaters; are not cursed,
But rather followers of Christ
And will not get caught in the snare of of patriotism
Toward a nation in rebellion against God;
Rebellion that is like the sin of witchcraft.

Today, God has told us what lies directly ahead as He did Noah.
Today, in holy fear, you can make your ark of salvation as did Noah;
You can make Christ Jesus, Lord of your life, and walk in His Light.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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