Wednesday, July 4, 2012

This Fourth Of July

Today, on this fourth of July America celebrates the freedom it won from Great Britain. That freedom was won in a hard fought, five year war, 236 years ago. It was by the hand of God alone that the war was won; only by the hand of God could a young, upstart nation, win against the greatest military power of the day. The young nation wanted freedom from the oppressive taxation imposed upon them by the King of Britain, King George III.

America was founded by Christian men and women who came to America seeking religious freedom. The freedom to worship God according to the Word of God and the dictates of their own conscience. The founding fathers of the United States of America realized that devotion to God; honoring God; was essential to the maintenance of the new republic they established.

Today, America has come full circle. She no longer honors God; God who gave her birth. America rebels against God in virtually everything she does. All of her institutions rebel against God: Her Government, her Christian Churches, her Education System, her Justice System her society at large. Because of this God has removed His hand of blessing.

Today, America is in a deep bondage to the spirit of the world, the spirit of Babylon, the spirit of Satan. She has forsaken her Christian heritage; her heritage of honoring God. She has forsaken spiritual freedom, as did Esau, for a bowl of Secular Soup.

Because she has forsaken the honoring of God, she has place herself in the hands of Satan. Satan, who came to steal, kill and destroy and that is exactly what he is doing to America. Virtually all of America's leaders, are godless, arrogant men and women, who are leading America to its doom.

Because of her godlessness and arrogance, America has accumulated a debt, and continues to accumulate more debt every day, that she will never get out from under. She has already spent the financial future of all the generations to come. The current generation and all those to come will be paying off this debt for the rest of their lives.

America who once condoned slavery, now condones it again. America has forced her children in to indentured servitude for the rest of their lives. This is the penalty for America's godlessness. America will learn that she prospers by the hand of God alone and by no other means.

America's godless, arrogant leaders pretend that they can continue to spend all they want. They pretend that they are building a new Socialist America where everything is “free;” Where everything is “taken care of.” They are abject liars; They are deceived and are deceiving a godless indolent American society that has lost its ability to discern anything but its fleshly lusts. All the while the American Church is on the sidelines trying to “fit in” to this mess. It is a hopeless mess!

America's godlessness has also removed the hand of God from protecting the country against her adversaries. Without the protection of God, America is defenseless against her enemies. She is currently learning this bitter lesson and will continue to learn it. America has put two wars on her credit card, a debt of more than a trillion dollars. She borrows much of this money from one of her potential enemies, China, a totalitarian, godless nation.

Anyone who celebrates today is involved in a tragic irony.
Are those who celebrate today, celebrating the indentured servitude
Of their children and their children to follow.
America should be weeping and mourning before the Lord.
They should be repenting in abject humility for their sin against God
And against their children.

Do you know what the Lord hates? Listen:

The Lord, the Lord Almighty called you on that day to weep and to wail,
To tear out your hair and put on sackcloth.
But see, there is joy and revelry, slaughtering of cattle and killing of sheep,
Eating of meat and drinking of wine!
'Let us eat and drink,' you say, 'for tomorrow we die!'

The Lord Almighty has revealed this in my hearing:
'Till your dying day this sin will not be atoned for,'
Says the Lord, the Lord Almighty. (Isaiah 22:22:13-14)

An America that celebrates today, on this Fourth of July,
In clear view of its current reality, celebrates its own demise.
It dishonors those who came before them,
Who honored God and built this nation by His hand of blessing.
Now this generation has squandered the blessing that they received;
Not only for themselves but for all future generations.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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