Saturday, July 21, 2012

The "Dark Knight" Arose!

The other night in Colorado the “Dark Knight” arose
And made a overt display of his evil.
The Prince of this dark world (Ephesians 6:12) arose and expressed himself.
He did so among many who do not believe he exists.
The “Dark Knight” is a myth to many who went to see the movie.
Many do not believe in the reality of Satan,
Because they do not believe in Christ Jesus,
And you cannot believe in one without the other.
We pray for all those affected by this tragedy;
That they would receive the comfort of Christ and turn to Him and be saved.

The title “The Dark Knight Arises” could be a prophetic statement
About the condition of America.
Oh how the intelligentsia and apostate Church will rail against such a concept.
The “Dark Knight” perpetrated his evil in an unexpected way,
In and unexpected place.
In doing so, he says to all, “here I am
And I do as I please in this sinful society;
I have permission to do as I please in this sinful society.”
The society is aghast, because they do not see their sin as that extreme.
Yet, their sin will send them to Hell just as surely
As the evil expressed the other night.

Satan's evil is expressed all over the world,
Perhaps especially in Syria at this time, where people are being slaughtered.
Yet, all sin is evil in the eyes of God
And if not repeated of, sends that person to Hell.
Christ Jesus said:

Don't be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body
In Hell. (Matthew 10:28)

Men and Satan can kill a person's body but cannot kill the soul.
The soul belongs to God alone and He determines its destiny.
Being killed is one thing but going to Hell is another.
Hell is an eternal state, it lasts forever.
When people do not fear God, Hell means nothing to them.
However, the goriness of what happened in Colorado
Arrests their sensibilities.
The Word of God does not arrest their sensibilities but wanton evil does.

Is this disregard for the reality of Hell and its horror
Due to a Church that has swept this reality under the rug?
Does the Church warn the society of the consequences of their sin?
If they do not, the blood of those who go to Hell, not warned,
Will be upon the heads of a silent Church. (Ezekiel 3)

Understand this, America has become an evil society;
A society that spits in the face of God and His Christ, Jesus.
Therefore, God has removed His hand of protection.
This means that Satan has full reign;
Satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy, has full reign.
You can now expect any and every sort of evil to be manifested in America.
Nothing that you witness or hear of should come as a surprise.

Know this, a society that does not honor God is dead while it exists,
And it will not exist for long.
The “Dark Knight” will make sure of that!
It is his pleasure to ruin America!

Oh how the intelligentsia and the apostate Church will howl
Over what I have just stated.
However, this reality has nothing to do with me
Or anyone else who proclaims the TRUTH.
The TRUTH belongs to God and His Word, alone.
As all Creation is His, so the TRUTH is His, alone.
The TRUTH is Christ Jesus, the Stone over which men stumble,
Deceived by Satan.

The sad fact is that men and nations not only stumble,
They rage against God and His Christ, Jesus. (Psalm 2)
As they did in the day of Noah; As they did at the Tower of Babel;
As they did in the day of Sodom and Gomorrah;
As they did in the day of Christ Jesus;
And they will rage against God until the END.
America is raging against God and His Christ, Jesus!
Americas' raging against God will bring it to ruin!
America will go the way of all the other godless nations that dishonored God
Unless she repents as did the Prodigal Son.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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