Monday, July 2, 2012

America's Future Squandered!

America's sin has squandered her future!
God withdraws His blessing from a nation that spits in His face.
In its arrogance, the Government of America has spit in God's face.
The Justice System of America has spit in God's face.
The Educational System in America has spit in God's face.
Many of the people in American have spit in God's face.
Many in the Church of God have spit in God's face.

No nation can survive without God's blessing.
When God is not the God of a nation its military is a vain hope for protection.

America has enjoyed the blessing of God
Because of those in America who honored God.
Today, the godless have presumed to that blessing
And it was never theirs; it was in spite of them.
However, the tide of godlessness has overwhelmed those who honor God.
America has elected a godless President;
America has elected many in the congress who are godless.
The Democratic Party is a party of the godless.
This does not mean the the Republican Party honors God
Because many of them do not.

The spirit of Babylon—Mystery Babylon The Great—
The Mother of Prostitutes And Of The Abominations Of The Earth,
Has overwhelmed America.
America has become a Prostitute! The Bride of Satan—Ruled by his spirit;
In direct opposition to God Almighty, the God of Creation!

If God did not spare Israel in the time of the Prophets,
He will not spare America!
Many Preachers in America are loathed to tell the TRUTH,
Because their souls are invested in America.
America has become and idol for many of them and for many Americans.
Today, however, America has joined the ranks of the other godless nations.
The nations, who before the Living God:

Are like a drop in a bucket; They are as dust on the scales;
He weighs the islands as though they were fine dust...
Before Him all the nations are as nothing;
They are regarded by Him as worthless and less than nothing.
(Isaiah 40:15-17)

The nations are in this condition because they are godless
And now America has joined their ranks.
America has given up her inheritance in God for a bowl of Secular Soup!
America has squandered her future!

America could turn back to God but she loves her sin too much!
She is deceived and loves living in this deception!
She loves all of her idols of people, places and things!
She loves her false religions!
She has no fear of God and therefore she has no future!

God said of Israel in the day of Isaiah:
'What more could have been done for My vineyard [Israel]
Than I have done for it?' (Isaiah 4:5)

The answer for Israel then, and America today, is, NOTHING!
God can do nothing more for America!
America has rejected God and His Christ Jesus
After enjoying His blessing for many years.
America, by her actions, has despised the blessing of God!
Now, God despises America, as He despises all the work of Satan!

Nevertheless, God says to the righteous in America
As He did with those in Israel in Isaiah's day:
'Tell the righteous it will be well with them,
For they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.' (Isaiah 3:10)

Any person who is alive, and believes God,
Can read Isaiah, Jeremiah, the other Prophets, the words of Christ Jesus
And the Book of Revelation,
And clearly understand the condition of America before God.
This is not a mystery given to only a few.
It is a reality as plain as the nose on your face!

For the unbeliever God's Word is like a fairy tale;
As it was in the day of Noah.
Nevertheless, just as God's Word describes;
Soon, they will receive the son of Satan as their savior;
They will worship him and receive his “mark.”
Then, God's Great Tribulation will unfold to their complete surprise.
Then, they will curse God as their all idols are destroyed!
The idol of a godless America will be destroyed along with all the other idols.
America is NOTHING without God as her God! NOTHING!

God gave America birth just as He gave Israel birth.
They both forsook their inheritance in God to their great harm.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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