Monday, June 4, 2012

This Cursed World!

Today, this world that we live in is cursed.
The curse came through DISOBEDIENCE;
The disobedience of Adam And Eve.
Through their disobedience
Adam and Eve handed over rulership of this world,
That had been given to them by God, to the Serpent, The Evil One, Satan.
Adam and Eve were deceived by the Serpent
And disobeyed the single command of God,
Not to eat of the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good and Evil.
In so doing they were expelled from the Garden Of Eden, Paradise.
They gave up Eternal LIFE and now would die a natural death.
God then cursed the ground of the earth
And man would now painfully toil all the days of his natural life.

Because of the DISOBEDIENCE of Adam and Eve
This world has been ruled by Satan since that time.
Today, the world we live in is ruled by Satan;
Every person and every nation.
The only thing that changes this reality is faith in Christ Jesus.
Only through OBEDIENCE to Christ Jesus and His Word;
Only by being “Born Again,” Born of the Spirit of God,
Does anyone come out from under the rulership of Satan.
That is why Christ Jesus came;
He came to set free from the rulership of Satan
Those who would by faith receive Him, receive His Spirit, and live for Him
By the power of the Spirit of Christ living in them.
These are the only people who OVERCOME this world and its ruler, Satan.
This is the TRUTH that can set a person FREE!
This is the only TRUTH in this world,
That brings the only FREEDOM to be found in this world.
Everyone else is a captive of sin under the rulership of Satan.

Christ Jesus and His Word which are One and the same,
Is the only TRUTH that exists in this world.
Christ Jesus is the only WAY our of this world alive;
The only WAY to Eternal LIFE.
Christ Jesus is the only LIFE there is in all that exists; there is no other LIFE.
He is the Self-Existent One, the One Who has LIFE in Himself,
And He alone can give LIFE, Eternal LIFE.

If you belong to Christ Jesus you are a stranger and an alien in this world.
If you belong to Christ Jesus the world will hate you
Because the life you live tells the world that what it does is EVIL,
Just as the life of Christ Jesus did in His days upon the earth in the flesh.
The world hates to be told the TRUTH because it unmasks the LIE!
The world is living a LIE by the deception of Satan.
If you live for Christ Jesus you are in direct conflict with this world
And its ruler, Satan because you expose the LIE.

Nevertheless, greater is He [Christ Jesus] who lives in you
Than he, Satan, who rules this world.
The power of Christ Jesus is infinitely greater than the power of Satan.
Satan is simply a created being.

Today, Satan can only play out his script that has been given him by God.
His script calls for him to deceive every person and every nation,
Except the Elect of God;
To finally deceive the world into worshiping him and receiving his “mark;”
The “mark” which is Satan's declaration of ownership of that person.
The “mark” is also each persons final rejection of God's Christ, Jesus;
Receiving it damns that person to an Eternal Hell!

God's Word makes all this very clear to those who have ears to hear.
The world and all its leaders are blind people leading blind people.
The final act of the story is God's unmasking
Of Satan and his son, the Antichrist, the “Beast” of Revelation.
This is the Great Delusion that God sends to a godless world
That has rejected His Christ, Jesus.

God has given each of us this life to make a choice.
That is the only purpose of this life, to choose LIFE or Death.
Christ Jesus and Eternal LIFE or the only other alternative, Eternal Death.

Today, the nations are raging against God; rushing to oblivion!
Don't be caught in the stampede!

As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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