Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reality: The Realm Of The SPIRIT!

Today, we can listen to and watch the news,
But the reality, the TRUTH, can only be found in the realm of the Spirit.
If you want to know what is really going on on earth today
Your source must be the Spirit of God
The Spirit searches all things even the deep things of God.
What you see in the news
Is what the ruler of this world, Satan, wants you to see and hear.
It reflects the machinations of a lost humanity.
What God wants you to see and hear is only found in His Word;
His written Word and His Rhema Word;
That is the “still small voice” of God spoken to your heart and spirit
In the here and now.

The TRUTH is only revealed to those who belong to Him;
Those whose spirits are alive to God.
When Jesus spoke in parables most did not understand;
The TRUTH found in the parables was only spiritually discerned.
The Spirit leads us into all TRUTH. (John 16:13)
The Anointing we receive from Christ Jesus teaches us the TRUTH.
(1 John 2:20, 27)
God has put His Laws in our minds and written them on our hearts.
(Hebrews 8:10)

Christ Jesus said, we have but One Teacher, The Christ! (Matthew 23:10)
Christ Jesus is the TRUTH, and the only Source of TRUTH!
All that contradicts His TRUTH is a LIE!

However, God is wooing every single person by His Spirit;
Every person has their God given conscience
Through which the Spirit of God brings conviction.
There is also the empty space in every person
That can only be filled by the Spirit of God.
God speaks to the lost through their conscience and their spirit.
Christ Jesus said that no one came to Him unless the Father had drawn them.

Nevertheless, most people harden their hearts to God and His TRUTH.
Some even have their conscience seared with a hot iron
And are Eternally Lost from that point on. (1 Timothy 4:2)
Satan is always there to steal the seed of the Word of God when it is planted.
Every person has to have enough good soil for it to remain.
Some develop no root and the trouble and persecution
That comes because of the Word of God, causes the person to fall away;
The seed withers and dies.
Some seed is choked out by thorns; by the worries of this life
And the deceitfulness of wealth.
Yet, some seed finds good soil and that person produces a crop,
Yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. (Matthew 13)

God Almighty is in absolute control over all of His Creation!
Think of this, Satan knows that he is going to the Lake of Fire
But he cannot change that fact in any way.
He is going there on a specific time table determined by God
And he cannot change that in any way.

Yet, God has allowed Satan rule over this world
Because Adam gave Satan the rule that God intended for Adam.
This rule was taken back by the blood of Christ Jesus
For those who receive Christ Jesus by faith and walk in His Light.
Those who come to Christ Jesus by faith are no longer subjects of Satan.
However, all who do not have faith in Christ Jesus and walk in His Light
Are subjects of Satan. This is most of mankind.
Why is the world in the condition it is in?
Because it is ruled by Satan who came to steal, kill and destroy.
Yet, this rule is under the absolute control of God Almighty!

Satan is only a puppet leading other puppets to Hell!
This is true of the highest to the lowest of mankind;
Most of mankind is completely ignorant of REALITY;
They PRETEND under the deception of Satan.
The REALITY is that every nation belongs to Satan.
With this understanding the “news” takes on a whole different meaning.
We are watching the Word of God play out exactly as God intended.
God's whole purpose in Creation
Was to obtain a Bride for His Son Christ Jesus and nothing can prevent this.
Christ Jesus will have a spotless Bride with whom He will spend Eternity!
Satan will spend Eternity in the Lake of Fire along with all who followed him,
Which is most of mankind.

Yet, today, anyone can receive Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior;
And then walk in His Light.
Everyone around you will make their choice.
They will either respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit of God or not!
This the only real issue of this life!
Every other issue is secondary and incidental by comparison.
Where will you spend Eternity?

The Word of God is the Food and the Bread of LIFE!
Christ Jesus is the Word of God in flesh,
And as such, He is the Food and the Bread of LIFE!
Those who eat of this Bread will never die!
Take a peek into Eternity; Look into the face of Christ;
See the Glory that awaits you;
Then the things of this world will grow strangely dim
In the Light of His Glory and Grace.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!


  1. To those whom will HUMBLY bow low before God Almighty and have committed, whole heartedly surrendered their flesh so that the Holy Spirit may move within their beings,as the Lord increases, we are
    More of Him, means a whole lot
    "less of self/us" To those who do not follow after man nor woman but follow the Lord and who hear the Spirit of the Lord.
    Many, yes MANY will bow out and have already,turned away to follow after another... bowed out because they are not willing to go forth and to be sent, to be truly sent by Jesus Christ, to forsake all to take up their cross, not anothers, but their own cross and follow after a Most Holy and Righteous God. So many talk about waiting for the move of the Spirit, when the Spirit has been moving in a people who hear and who see spiritually. Who do not depend upon the news,false teachings, false manifestations.. weather, etc... to gather fleshly information. Jesus said, all these things would and will come to pass, earthquakes, apostasy, rumors of war... our eyes MUST be on the Lord and our flesh must be dying, allowing that of the Lord to do in us that which we cannot do .. submitting to Christ Jesus and His Holy Spirit. Who cares what man and the apostate think. Who cares what the religious crowds believe or think. Who cares what the scribes believe. Oh so many try to put Christ and His Precious Holy Spirit in a box when they should be allowing the Spirit of the Lord full access. They can not, can NOT----> JUST LET JESUS, BE JESUS. He doesnt operate and work in mans carnal ways, nor are His thoughts lowly but higher than even ours and His ways beyond that of our own fleshly, stinkin, thinking. So many have become afraid of what man thinks. If eyes are upon man and what He thinks, than many have not the reverent fear of the lord abiding within them. Oh, to let, allow, desire, hunger for and to the holy Ghost move within our beings and let God be God, let Jesus be Lord and let the divine Holy Spirit
    lead and guide and teach and move in these vessels...thats the people , a true people of God, that Jesus can work and move through,those whom are hungry to hear and to see and to recieve from the Lord...whom sit and wait upon Him, to speak and to reveal... Praise be to God....

    So many have limited God by thier OWN unbelief,Jesus said, ONLY BELIEVE!!!! smith Wigglesworth favorite words, Dare to believe, only believe!!!!
    we limit God by saying, no way He wont do that, he didnt say that, REALLY? who are any of us to say what He can or cannot do or what He can or cannot speak forth to His children, to the fleshly minded people whom will not allow the Spirit of the Lord to reign in their beings, they say o Lord you can do this and this but dont do that, no ,,no. May it never be so from the mouths of the Lords sheep. So many who believed and thought one way, the Lord will prove them wrong by another. Many will lose what they once had and it will be taken away, some will be given more and others eyes will be darkened and eyes shut.

    For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
    Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him?
    Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.
    1 John 3:11-12

  2. Our God is a Consuming Fire of Holiness and Righteousness, His Faithfulness unto His promises per His WORD are manifest in His Vessels for all the world to behold!!!

    'He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.'
    Matthew 3:11

    June 24, 2012

    the vision:
    I saw myself immersed in an oval bathtub, water/oil filled the tub, as I was just lying
    back in the tub. The tub
    was not connected
    to a wall, just in a room. I saw 7 candles lit all around me, different heights around the bathtub.
    I knew this was symbolic of the 7-fold Spirit as spoken of in Zechariah 4.

    I than saw a pack of matches come in to view. The match was struck to the book of matches ...
    as the match was thrown into the bathtub. It ignited because of the oil of His Spirit and stayed atop
    the water and oil.
    I was not burned , but what was within my being was consumed by His fire as the water cleanses us,
    the water of baptism,
    I heard this spoken forth when the match was thrown into the bathtub:

    I have indeed baptized (immersed)
    you with the water of My Holy Spirit, now I immerse(baptize) you with My
    Fire of the Holy Spirit.

    given 10/14/2011=
    A Mightier Wind is Coming!!!

    I was standing outside this afternoon. Putting mums out and moving the leaves away from the flowers still blooming. All of a sudden as I was bent down, a Mighty Wind picked up and blew. I looked up as I came to a stand and up on the hill the trees blew mightily as I could hear the wind blow through them, such power. As I looked at the sky it was a brilliance of color even with gray mixed in. The Lord was calling me to attention and I knew it within my whole being. As I stood and was a bit taken by the wind and the power of it more than normal, the Lord began to speak forth: What do you hear my daughter?

    I thought to myself, Lord a wind , a Mighty wind blowing through the trees. A fierce wind. I could feel myself begin to tremble at the waiting of. Than I heard this: Yes, A mighty wind, for a Mightier Wind than what you can see or feel is coming upon my holy people. For I the Lord thy God, will purpose My Holy Wind to pass through my sons and to my daughters. A Mightier wind is blowing for the heavenly Winds are blowing and will come upon this earth. I am the Lord thy God in the Midst of the Mightier wind and will blow upon my people with the breath of My nostrils and in the Power of My Holy Spirit shall they know that it is the Lord thy God that is coming with Great Might and with Great Power.

    Thou hast a mighty arm; Strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand.
    Psalms 89:13

    I was astounded at the wind and the power and I was overcome with the Lords words.
    I went back inside , to clean and to straighten up inside. I was at the sink and I began to tremble again. I went to my bedroom and the Lord began to speak yet again.

    A Mightier Wind than the sound of the trees is coming across the lands. For my People will stand erect and they shall walk in My Holy Righteousness and in My Holy Truth. For they shall walk in my Holy Fire.

    (As He spoke forth this, I could see in a vision placed before me people walking in a pure Holy Flame.

    It was only (ONE FLAME) The Holy GHOST!

    They are being consumed by my Spirit, saith the Lord. They are being raised up by My STRONG HAND SO THAT NO MAN WILL GLORY AND SAY, I HAVE RAISED THEM UP, NO, NOT SO. I THE LORD have raised them up and I WILL receive all Glory Honor and Praise. For My Glory belongs to NO MAN!

  3. For it is the Spirit of the Lord whom abides within my holy people and they shall walk in obedience unto me. My sons and my daughters have been faithful with the little and I the Lord will raise them up with the much! What I speak forth so shall they speak forth and so shall they obey all that I command them to speak and to do. It is no longer a call for obedience but an Order to walk in obedience unto ME.

    For the Mightier Wind is blowing and I will pass through my people with Power and with Might. They shall be strengthened in Me saith the Lord. For when I pass through my people, My Mighty Wind shall stay upon and within there whole being. For I am Coming to overtake My holy People to go forth as I have purposed from old. No longer shall MY people walk in powerlessness and in weaknesses, for all that I have spoken forth , so shall it be.

    "It is no longer a call for obedience but an Order to walk in obedience unto ME."

    It is about Obedience, not Sacrifice, as Jesus is our ONLY and HOLY Sacrifice acceptable unto the Father!

    a close brother in the Lord whom we have met and fellow ship with for years received this


    he shared this with us:
    the Holy Ghost brought this forth to my mind: "America, you have offered up thy children to the fire of your idols; I shall make you to walk in MY FIRE, it is a HOLY CONSUMING FIRE and only remnant and My chosen vessels refined in MY FIRE shall pass through and remain.

    18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Romans 9
