Monday, June 25, 2012

The Idols Of The Nations Will fall!

Soon, you will see the idols of the nations fall!
Understand, that behind every idol there is a demon.
Just as all the gods [idols] of Egypt were judged by God
When He set His people free,
So today all the gods, the idols of this world will fall
During God's Great Tribulation.
Satan seduced Adam and Eve with the idea [idol]
That they could be like God.
Adam and Eve committed spiritual adultery, deceive by Satan.
Idolatry is spiritual prostitution before the Living God!

What is an idol? Every argument and pretension 
That sets itself up against the knowledge of God [2 Corinthians 10:5].
Every person, place or thing that people value above God;
Everything that is against the commands of God.
Everything that mankind commits spiritual adultery with.

Babylon of Revelation 17 is the personification of all the idols on earth.
Mystery--Babylon The Great--The Mother of Prostitutes 
And Of The Abominations Of The Earth
Is the personification of all the idols of mankind.
She is a specific city on earth;
The greatest city in the greatest nation on earth,
And all the other cities of the nations are “Little Babylons”
Because they all seek to be like Babylon
And are ruled by the spirit of Babylon, the devil.
If you live in a city it is a “Little Babylon.”
Babylon The Great is the Bride of Satan; he is the power behind her;
He is the spirit of Babylon! Listen:

'Come, I will show you the punishment of The Great Prostitute,
Who sits on many waters.
With her the kings of the earth committed adultery
And the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated
With the wine of her adulteries.'

Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert.
There I saw a woman sitting on a Scarlet Beast [Satan]
That was covered with blasphemous names
And had seven heads and ten horns.
The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet,
And was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls.
She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things
And the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead:


I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints,
The blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus. (Revelation 17:1-6)

The cities of the nations collapse [Revelation 16:19.]
God judges Babylon and all the “Little Babylons.”

First and foremost, the idols of every false religion will fall:
And every religion but faith in Christ Jesus is an idol, demonic.

All lukewarm Christianity, which is an idol, a pretension, will fall:
This is really an oxymoron as it is all or nothing with God.
There is no half-way, half hearted Christianity. 
Once saved always saved is a LIE!

All the so called non-belief idols will fall: Including atheism and agnosticism. They will end up becoming hypocrites by worshiping the Son of Satan 
Along with the rest of the world before they fall.

All the man made forms of government are idols and will fall: Democracy, Republics, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Dictatorships and whatever other political concoctions of man there may be will fall.

The idol of “nationalism” will fall: The nations of the earth 
Will all be brought to nothing, with the exception of Israel.
Not because Israel is more virtuous, but because God has “promised.”
However, no Jew will be in the Millennium that is not a believer in
And belong to Christ Jesus.

The idol of “ethnicity” will fall: We all came from God, from Adam.

All the economic idols will fall: Capitalism, Communism, Hayekism, Keyesianism and all the other economic concoctions of man there may be will fall.

All the intellectual idols will fall: Every man made ideology will fall. The institutions of so called “higher and lower education” will fall.

All the idols of the media, advertising, entertainment, sports, etc. will fall.

All the idols of the flesh will fall: Homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography and all the other abominations of the flesh will fall.

The idol of “Mother Earth” will fall: The face of the earth will be ruined by God. Sin is the issue to God not “green.”

The idols of relatives and friends will fall: Any person valued as more important than God is an idol and will fall.

The idols of possessions will fall: There will be no possessions left. Gold and silver and the rest will be worthless.

The idol of “self” as being all important will fall: “Self,” nurtured by pride and arrogance; thinking of ones self as the center of the world.

Any other idols there may be will fall.
Six thousand of years of human history will end.
Mankind will have ignored the lesson of the flood of Noah's day;
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
God will have shown that all the ways of man lead to death
Just as His Word proclaims.
All the ideological experiments of mankind will have failed.
Mankind will worship Satan and his bride, Babylon as they do today!
This is the ultimate blasphemy toward the Creator, God
All sin and evil will be done away with along with their perpetrator, Satan.
I pray that all who read this will put aside any idols you may have.
Worship the only God; The True and Living God, in Spirit and in Truth.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
Save yourself from this corrupt generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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