Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Nations, Like Children!

Step by step the nations are like children playing into the hands of Satan.
They are like birds following bread crumbs to a snare;
Like children playing a rigged game of Monopoly.
Why do they do this?
Because the refuse to acknowledge the Sovereign God of Creation;
They have refused God's Christ, Jesus, the only Savior;
Because they are godless and know no better.
They are like spoiled willful children determined to have their way.
They refuse to acknowledge that this world
And all that is in it belongs to God;
That the only WAY is the WAY of Christ Jesus.
They are determined to go their own way; a way the seems right to them.
The end thereof is death as the Word of God declares.
They are deceived by the deceiver, Satan.

At the deception of Satan, they have spent themselves into oblivion.
In pursuit of their godless, socialist, communist paradises.
Now they must pay the price.
But they do not want to pay the price,
So they will continue their rebellion against God and spend even more.
They will spend until there is no more to spend.
And then, in their despair they will clamor for a “savior,”
And Satan will gladly supply.
This is as transparent and obvious as the day is long,
Yet, because of their sin,
The nations are incapable of changing their direction.

Today, they could repent and God would forgive them.
There would still be a price to pay, but there would be hope for tomorrow.
But the nations are hardened in their sin,
Just as Pharaoh in the day of Moses was hardened in his sin.
They cannot see any way but their willful way; they are blind to the Truth;
They are blind to God and His Christ, Jesus and The Word of God.
They are the blind leading the blind with the ditch fast approaching.
God watches on, and all those with eyes to see watch on,
As this incredible drama unfolds.

The nations are like drunks staggering from bar to bar.
They are getting more inebriated at each stop.
They will continue until they are face down in the mud.
Which is exactly where Satan is leading them.
Their sin has rendered them senseless and powerless.

The nations will soon prostrate themselves before the son of Satan.
They will not surrender to God and His Christ, Jesus
But they will willingly surrender all to the son of Satan.
They will receive his “mark” and worship him.

Let those who can “see,” flee Babylon as Christ Jesus admonished.
The time to do so is short. Put on the garments of Christ;
Hide yourself in Christ and He will come for you as He promised! 

The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come!'
And let him who hears say, 'Come!'
Whoever is thirsty, let him come;
And whoever wishes,
Let him take the free gift of the water of LIFE. (Revelation 22:17)

Behold, Christ is coming soon! (Revelation 22:7)

As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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