Monday, April 16, 2012

Woe To The Democratic Party!

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. (Isaiah 5:20)

Woe to the party that defies the Living God, Christ Jesus;
Those who denigrate the sacredness of marriage
Between a man and a woman.
Marriage, the apex of human relationships as created by God.
The relationship that brings a man and a woman together as one flesh.
What God has ordained, no man can alter, without incurring His wrath.

Woe to the party that defies the Living God;
Those who denigrate the sacredness of sexuality,
Conception and procreation;
The gifts that brings forth new life; life that only God can give.
Miracles, that are a gift from God Almighty to mankind;
Gifts that allow man to participate with God in carrying on the race;
Gifts so sacred to God
That they are to be consummated by a God ordained marriage, alone;
That through marriage God can raise up a holy seed to Himself;
Those destined for Heaven and not Hell.

Woe to the party that defies the Living God;
Those who promote homosexuality as a “normal way of life;”
Who ignore the great warning in God's Word;
His judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah;
Homosexuality, that is obviously against the physiological design of God.
They ignore His Word, that He places above His Name;
Christ Jesus being the Living Word;
That clearly states that such behavior is forbidden and against God.
They ignore their God given conscience that tells them this Truth.

Woe to the party that defies the Living God;
Who would force Christians, followers of Christ Jesus,
To do that which is against their faith and against the Word of God;
In the name of “Health Care” or any other pretense.
Know this, there is no “Health Care” in Hell!
They ignore Scripture that declares that those who cause anyone to sin;
That it would be better for them to have a millstone tied around their neck
And be thrown into the sea; And so it shall be, Amen!

Woe to the party that leads America into secularism,
A a society that declares all “gods” equal, if there are any at all.
Know this, the God of Creation is a jealous God, as he declares;
He alone is God,
Democrats and all who claim otherwise are liars, as His Word declares.
No secular society has God's blessing,
And without His blessing, every human endeavor is hopeless and useless;
Every so called “secular society” is of the devil and on their way to Hell.
Secular Humanism” is in reality, their man made religion;
By which they make themselves “gods,” as did their father Satan.
Know this, there is nothing “secular” before God;
Every person is either for or against Him.

Woe to the party whose proponents have taken captive public education
Which is today indoctrination into their religion: “Secular Humanism.”
Who try to remove God and His Word
From the consciousness children, youth and young adults in college;
And denigrate those who belong to God.

There is One WAY, One TRUTH and One LIFE,
Christ Jesus, The Son of God.
He is the only God sent Savior of the world.
Those who receive Him receive His LIFE.
Those who do not receive Him stand condemned. (John 3:16-21)
Those who honor Him love LIFE,
Those who dishonor Christ Jesus are of the devil and love death;
Their destination is that of the devil, The Lake Of Fire.

Woe to all political parties who dishonor the Living God.
Woe to every person who dishonors the Living God.
The plagues that God describes in His Word are reserved for you.
The destination God describes in His Word is reserved for you.

Look in His Book and see for yourself.
It is an open Book, available to all.
It reveals the heart and mind of God to all mankind.
No one need be ignorant.
Do not be seduced by the lies of the evil one and his followers.
God is TRUTH and every man a liar by comparison.

As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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