Thursday, April 5, 2012

Prescription For National Suicide!

How does Satan kill a nation? He turns it away from God!
History is replete with these examples.
Today, in America there is a “notion” of the separation of church and state
Certain people and national leaders pride themselves in upholding
What they call the “separation of church and state.”
Do you think such a concept exists for God?
Do you think that there can be a sustained national life
Without reverence for God?
Not the “gods” of the various religions,
But the God of Creation, the God of Scripture: Christ Jesus.
The reality is that there cannot!

When the President of the United States of America
Said publicly, that America was not a Christian nation,
He was speaking prophetically, the death of America.
He was speaking the words that Satan put in his mouth.

God and His Word transcend any concept of “church” and “state.”
Christ Jesus is the only WAY, the only TRUTH and the only LIFE!
Every concept outside of this is a LIE
Those who belong to Him, revere Christ Jesus and His Word.
They will live and die to uphold them,
As they have in every generation since the day of Christ.

What America and its godless leaders are really saying
Is that God and His Word cannot be part of the national discourse.
American can legislate Christ Jesus out of the national discourse
Which is what they are doing, but what will the result be?

This is really national suicide and Satan knows this.
Leaders who promote this are the puppets of Satan.

As the morality of the nation has deteriorated,
The puppets of Satan, national leaders, elected by a sinful people,
Get more bold.
They begin promoting that which is diametrically opposed to God
And His Word. Examples are:
The involvement of the government in abortions,
By way of the courts and national policy.
The seal of approval of homosexuality as a normal way of life
Embodied in national law.
The degrading of marriage between a man and a woman,
By the institution of homosexual marriage.
Printing “worthless” money, thereby robbing from every one.
Attempting to force Christians to do that which s against their conscience.
Instituting “public schools” that forbid any mention of the God of Scripture;
The degrading of Christianity as intolerant
And out of touch with America's new modernity;
A modernity that is in reality a license to ever increasing sin.

Let it be know that there is ONE who is absolutely intolerant, God!

No nation and no person can oppose God and live!
It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God!
Every nation that has followed the course America is on, is extinct.
Every nation and every person is either for or against God.
There is no middle ground with God.
Anyone who claims there is, is a liar.
Satan is a liar and the father of lies.
Those who follow him doom themselves to eternal death.
America is currently on the path to death and extinction.
Save yourself from this corrupt generation!

As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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