Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Nations In A Hard Spot!

America and the nations of the world are between a rock and a hard spot.
Virtually all of them are up to their necks in debt
Because they have over spent and continue to over spend.
They have overspent trying to create their socialist, communist paradises
In direct opposition to the God of Creation.
They have tried to create a modern version of the Tower of Babel,
A New World Order.

Now, as they continue to over spend, their credit ratings drop,
Increasing the cost to finance their debt.
If they continue they will find no one willing to buy their worthless paper
And that will be the end of their spending.
However, then, depression will ensue.

On the other hand, if they act prudently and reduce spending
And attempt to pay off the tremendous debt they have compiled,
It is likely that their economies will contract or slow down,
Which will mean more joblessness and continuing recession.
This will gain for the politicians the disfavor of the electorate;
They will not be able to fulfill their false promises,
And they may well be thrown out of office.
A spoiled electorate does not like to be told
They cannot have their cake and eat it too.
However, at this point, there is no painless way out.
The debt caused by overspending must
And will be paid for one way or the other.

America is spending almost twice what it takes in.
This cannot continue or the interest on the debt
Will swallow the whole economy.
America is on the road to financial disaster.
America and the nations are in this situation because of their blatant sin;
Their raging against God and His Christ, Jesus. (Psalm 2)
There is no way out of this situation
Unless America and the nations turn to God.

To change this situation requires the blessing of God
And God will not bless a nation that dishonors Him.
The only hope for America and the nations is to turn to God;
To honor God and the Savior He sent, Christ Jesus.
This means that they would have to stop their raging against Him,
And turn to Him in heartfelt repentance.

At this time, America and the nations have dishonored God,
And by doing so, have placed themselves In the hands of Satan.
This is the Set-Up for all the END Time prophecies of Scripture.
The world will soon clamor for their Nimrod, their Antichrist,
The “Beast” of Revelation, their “false savior” and his “mark.”
This is how transparent this “enlightened” world is.
They are “children” of the evil one,
Having rejected being children of God.

Three years ago, America clamored for “hope and change.”
Hope in what? Change to what?
God sent His Christ, Jesus, because there is “hope” in Him alone.
Christ is the only WAY, the only TRUTH and the only LIFE.

As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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