Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Satan's Jubilee

Satan mimics everything that Christ Jesus does.
When Christ Jesus comes it will be a jubilee for His people.
All indebtedness will be forgiven, all sin forgiven.

Likewise Satan has his jubilee for the nations.
He has a plan to forgive all the godless nations their debt.
The nations have accumulated a debt they cannot pay.
They have tried to create their utopias without God.
In doing so they have prostrated themselves before their ruler, Satan.
And Satan has the answer to their problem, a financial jubilee.
It will be announced when Satan presents to the nations his son,
The Antichrist;
When the nations are in complete economic chaos.

All the existing currencies of the world will be done away with.
All existing debt will be done away with: a jubilee.
The world will start over with a new currency,
Under the control of the Antichrist.
There is only one catch; it will cost the nations their soul.
In order to implement this new currency,
They will have to receive his “mark.”
And they will have to worship the Antichrist.
This will damn all who do so to Hell.
Satan's jubilee is the path to Hell.

The USA is currently more than 16 trillion dollars in debt
With no end in sight. [$16,000,000,000,000]
It is currently spending 40% more than it takes in,
Resulting in the national debt increasing by more than one trillion
Every year. [$1,000,000,000,000]

The interest on the national debt in 2011 was 454 billion. [$454,132,944,197]
That is 38 billion per month. [$38,000,000,000]

Currently, there is no plan to bring this situation under control,
Just as in Europe there is no plan to bring their debt under control.
You are watching godless nations spending themselves into oblivion.
These nations have denied the Living God, their only hope.
They are in the condition they are in because they have denied God.
Satan is simply waiting until the chaos ensues,
Then he will provide his answer to their insolvable problem.

It is ironic to me that this is so clear from the Word of God.
Today, it is so clear from what we see happening around us.
It is clear to The Bride of Christ.
Christ Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would tell us what is yet to come;
That He will guide us into all Truth. (John 16:7-15)
Let him who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Lord, we do not know what to do, but our eyes are fixed upon you.
We know that the battle is not ours but Yours.
In the midst of it all we will proclaim the Truth,
That You are good and Your mercies endure forever.

Soon the Bridegroom will come for His Bride. Hallelujah!


  1. Is satan who has been looting the world through Babylonian usury going to propose a biblical idea as his solution?

    The Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of demons. Will Satan implement a law of the Torah?

    It seems that you believe, like many "prophecy teachers", that antichrist will be all powerful before the "rapture" and therefore it's futile to take a stand for righteousness here and now.

    Jesus referenced the jubilee in Luke chapter 4 as being a central part of the gospel. Does the gospel not have any relevance now? It seems that in your opinion jubilee will not exist until Jesus comes back and proclaims it. Just like the lukewarm liberal churches, you probably think its a nice idea but the bankers won't go for it.

    Do you believe that Jubilee was a reality in ancient Israel?

    What about Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever? If the Jubilee existed in the days of Moses, if Jesus announced good news to the poor when He stood up in the synagogue, if Jesus will proclaim a jubilee when He comes again, how come there is not jubilee FOR TODAY in your theology?

    Oh, yeah, I forgot. The all powerful anti-christ. The church will do nothing, but collect tithes and enrich the clergy and abuse the congregations while Wall Street and the Fed loot the nation, and will sit on their comfortable church pillows while the once greatest nation on earth is driven into poverty. We believe the antichrist will prevail at this time and therefore we will do nothing while we collect our abominable interest (for our pensions are all that matters, and anyways when the sh*t hits the fan we won't be here).


    Satan is a defeated wimp. At least the church used to believe that until the early days of the 20th century when the rapture theory suddenly appeared in Pentecostal circles.

  2. Just one more addendum to my comment above

    You wrote: "Currently, there is no plan to bring this situation under control, Just as in Europe there is no plan to bring their debt under control. You are watching godless nations spending themselves into oblivion. These nations have denied the Living God, their only hope."

    There is no plan to bring this situation under control because the church is silent on the issue. Too many fat Pharisees invested in Goldman Sachs corruption. There is no plan because you are not proclaiming one.
